i had to make a program that avereage the scores of test grades and displayed the highest grade made and also the lowest grade made and the test average. it also showed the number of vaild scores to. after making the program i have to convert it to C language. all im really asking whats the best way about doing that cause i have no programing knowledge of doing c language here my program. I just want to know the best steps to this process so i can do it on my own.
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
const int MAXLEN_FN = 30;
void OptionPrompt();
void Process(int *scoresArrayPtr, int numOfScores,
int& highestScore, int& lowestScore,
double& averageScore);
void CoutResults(int *scoresArrayPtr, int numOfScores,
int highestScore, int lowestScore,
double averageScore);
int main()
int *scoresArrayPtrHold = 0, *scoresArrayPtr = 0;
int arraySize = 0, numOfScores = 0, score,
lowestScore, highestScore;
double averageScore;
char inputFilename[MAXLEN_FN + 1],
ifstream fin;
ofstream fout;
cout << "I can process almost any # of scores for you" << endl;
cin >> reply;
cin.ignore(999, '\n');
if (reply != '1' && reply != '2')
cout << "You have entered an invalid option" << endl;
cout << "Please re-enter your desired option" << endl;
} while (reply != '1' && reply != '2');
if (reply == '1')
cout << "Enter the 1st score (any invalid score to quit): ";
cin >> score;
while (score >= 0 && score <= 100)
if (numOfScores > arraySize)
arraySize = int(1.5*arraySize + 1);
scoresArrayPtrHold = scoresArrayPtr;
scoresArrayPtr = new int [arraySize];
for (int i = 0; i < numOfScores - 1; ++i)
*(scoresArrayPtr + i) = *(scoresArrayPtrHold + i);
delete [] scoresArrayPtrHold;
scoresArrayPtrHold = 0;
*(scoresArrayPtr + numOfScores - 1) = score;
cout << "Enter the next score (any invalid score to end): ";
cin >> score;
if (numOfScores > 0)
Process(scoresArrayPtr, numOfScores, highestScore,
lowestScore, averageScore);
CoutResults(scoresArrayPtr, numOfScores, highestScore,
lowestScore, averageScore);
cout << "No scores to process..." << endl;
cout << "Enter name of input file (up to "
<< MAXLEN_FN << " characters): ";
int count = 0;
char oneChar;
oneChar = cin.get();
while (oneChar != '\n')
if (count < MAXLEN_FN)
inputFilename[count] = oneChar;
oneChar = cin.get();
inputFilename[count] = '\0';
fin.open(inputFilename, ios::in);
if (fin.fail())
cout << "Error opening file " << inputFilename << endl;
fout.open("ASSIGN08.OUT", ios::out);
if (fout.fail())
cout << "Error opening file ASSIGN08.OUT" << endl;
fin >> score;
while ( ! fin.eof() )
fin >> score;
if (numOfScores > 0)
scoresArrayPtr = new int [numOfScores];
for (int i = 0; i < numOfScores; ++i)
fin >> *(scoresArrayPtr + i);
Process(scoresArrayPtr, numOfScores, highestScore,
lowestScore, averageScore);
CoutResults(scoresArrayPtr, numOfScores, highestScore,
lowestScore, averageScore);
fout << "Scores read: ";
for (int j = 0; j < numOfScores; ++j)
fout << *(scoresArrayPtr + j) << ' ';
fout << endl;
fout << "# of valid scores: " << numOfScores << endl;
fout << "Highest score: " << highestScore << endl;
fout << "Lowest score : " << lowestScore << endl;
fout << "Average score: "
<< setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint)
<< setprecision(2) << averageScore << endl;
cout << "No scores to process..." << endl;
fout << "No scores to process..." << endl;
delete [] scoresArrayPtr;
scoresArrayPtr = 0;
void OptionPrompt()
cout << "You have the following options:" << endl;
cout << "1 Enter the scores interactively" << endl
<< " (results are output to screen only)" << endl;
cout << "2 Specify a file containing the scores" << endl
<< " (results are output to screen and file)" << endl
<< " (name of output file will be ASSIGN08.OUT)"
<< endl;
cout << "Your choice? ";
void Process(int *scoresArrayPtr, int numOfScores,
int& highestScore, int& lowestScore,
double& averageScore)
int sum = lowestScore = highestScore = *scoresArrayPtr;
for (int k = 1; k < numOfScores; ++k)
sum += *(scoresArrayPtr + k);
if (*(scoresArrayPtr + k) < lowestScore)
lowestScore = *(scoresArrayPtr + k);
else if (*(scoresArrayPtr + k) > highestScore)
highestScore = *(scoresArrayPtr + k);
averageScore = double(sum) / numOfScores;
void CoutResults(int *scoresArrayPtr, int numOfScores,
int highestScore, int lowestScore,
double averageScore)
cout << "Scores read: ";
for (int j = 0; j < numOfScores; ++j)
cout << *(scoresArrayPtr + j) << ' ';
cout << endl;
cout << "# of valid scores: " << numOfScores << endl;
cout << "Highest score: " << highestScore << endl;
cout << "Lowest score : " << lowestScore << endl;
cout << "Average score: "
<< setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint)
<< setprecision(2) << averageScore << endl;