Located in the upper, left-hand corner of the GUI window is a small "Tk "; is it possible to get rid of this entirely? It is only a small detail, but a detail none-the-less that I wish to have control over in regards to the final product.

I would also love to be able to change the color\ theme of the window frame, if possible, but from what I know at this point, it may not be possible as it is (may be) default Windows (?).

Thank-you in advance for any insight into this.

Yes you can change the icon to anything you have:

from Tkinter import *
form1 = Tk()
# use an icon file you have in the working folder

You could create an icon that blends in with the title color, using something like LiquidIcon from www.x2studios.com (it's nice and free).

Yes you can change the icon to anything you have:

from Tkinter import *
form1 = Tk()
# use an icon file you have in the working folder

You could create an icon that blends in with the title color, using something like LiquidIcon from www.x2studios.com (it's nice and free).

Thank-you very much.


Yes you can change the icon to anything you have:

from Tkinter import *
form1 = Tk()
# use an icon file you have in the working folder

You could create an icon that blends in with the title color, using something like LiquidIcon from www.x2studios.com (it's nice and free).

Yes, that worked very well. Thanks again. ;)

It does seem to slow down the actual opening of the window when running the code and displaying the GUI frame.

I really just wish to get rid of the "Tk" logo entirely-- no logo at all, just silver, Window theme. I tried modifying the code you suggested, but it just gave an error on Run.

I will work on this more in the future nearer to program completion.

Please let me know if you know how to remove the icon (of any type) completely.


Create a fully transparent .ico file with liquidIcon and save it use root.wm_iconbitmap('whatever you called your blank icon here.ico') and it should do the trick.

The Eric5 IDE for Python has a built-in Icon Editor
(Extras/Tools/Icon Editor)

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