Hey guys. I'm working on a simple hangman program. I got the core engine down working in a command prompt, and now I'm making it using classes and a GUI. I'm using tkinter.
Anyway, everything works with no error, but the image is not displaying at all. Here is the code that makes the image:
hang.getBoardName() #Makes hang.boardnumber, when run at first it is "board1.gif"
ImageFrame = tk.Frame(F, relief="sunken", border=1)
GameBoardImage = tk.PhotoImage(file=hang.boardnumber)
GameBoardLabel = tk.Label(ImageFrame,image=GameBoardImage)
GameBoardLabel.grid(row=0, column=0)
ImageFrame.grid(row=2, column=0)
I had it working at one point, before I added in a few labels about the word and the letters they have guessed.
Oh, and yes, board1.gif does exist in the source folder.