Hi All,

Need our expertise out there regarding the above mention error and below are the codes:

/* send SQL query */

   bzero(query1, sizeof(query1));
   sprintf(query1, "select a.CreateDate, a.MobileNumber, b.BillName, b.CorrName, b.ICNew, b.ICOld, b.Passport,"
   "b.Addr, b.Addr2, b.Addr3, b.Addr4, b.Postcode, b.CountryCode from Register as a, Profile as b"
   " where a.MasterNumber = b.Number and a.Status=0");

   printf ("%s\n",query1);

   if (mysql_query(&conn, query1))
        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mysql_error(&conn));

   res = mysql_use_result(&conn);

   /* output fields 0, 1 and 2 of each row */
   while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) != NULL)
      if (i==11)
        bzero(string1, sizeof(string1));
row[0], row[1], row[14], row[15], row[16], row[17], row[18], row[4], 
row[5], row[6], row[7], row[12], row[13]);
sprintf(mobileno,"%s", row[1]);
printf ("%s\n",string1);

        printf ("Test: %s\n",mobileno);
        writeLogFile(string1, mobileno);

When I run the program, it gives me "Segmentation Fault" and I think it's mayb becos of combining 2 tables.

Many thanks..

you should post variable declaractions too.

sorry..aku post again my codes:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

   char string1[1600], string2[1600], query[1600], query1[1600], mobileno[50];
   int i, j, len;
   FILE *fp2;


   /* Connect to database */
   if (!mysql_real_connect(&conn, host, user, password, database, 0, NULL, 0)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mysql_error(&conn));

/* send SQL query */

   bzero(query1, sizeof(query1));
   sprintf(query1, "select a.CreateDate, a.MobileNumber, b.BillName, b.CorrName, b.ICNew, b.ICOld, b.Passport,"
   "b.Addr, b.Addr2, b.Addr3, b.Addr4, b.Postcode, b.CountryCode from Register as a, Profile as b"
   " where a.MasterNumber = b.Number and a.Status=0");

   printf ("%s\n",query1);

   if (mysql_query(&conn, query1))
        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mysql_error(&conn));

   res = mysql_use_result(&conn);

   /* output fields 0, 1 and 2 of each row */
   while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) != NULL)
      if (i==11)
        bzero(string1, sizeof(string1));
row[0], row[1], row[14], row[15], row[16], row[17], row[18], row[4], 
row[5], row[6], row[7], row[12], row[13]);
sprintf(mobileno,"%s", row[1]);
printf ("%s\n",string1);

        printf ("Test: %s\n",mobileno);
        writeLogFile(string1, mobileno);

/* Release memory used to store results and close connection */

   return 0;


ooohhhh..thanks..i thought..the declared row depends on the row inside the table of database..

how to combine the rows?. actually i want to combine addr and addr2 to become for example address but separated with (,).

ley say addr = no.17
addr2 = loke yew road
and it should be = no.17,loke yew road

when it was printed it should be:

2006-12-02 13:53:24|0134216014|ZAHARI BIN MOHAMED|ZAHARI BIN MOHAMED|580513-03-5667|5598577||LOT 1075,KAMPUNG JERANGAU|17500 TANAH MERAH||17500|MAL

instead of

2006-12-02 13:53:24|0134216014|ZAHARI BIN MOHAMED|ZAHARI BIN MOHAMED|580513-03-5667|5598577||LOT 1075|KAMPUNG JERANGAU|17500 TANAH MERAH||17500|MAL

if the above query being printed


you can easily put the comma wherever you want it in the sprintf() format string. Just replace one of those pipe symbols | with a comma.

ok..that's 1 idea...how about if there is 2 rows that have same value but i should display only 1..meaning that, i should check if 2 column have same value..i should display only 1..

Thanks for ur help...

you need to make your program a little more complex. Instead of one big spirntf() line you need to create a loop, for each row, search all rows from 0 to current row-1 to see if it is a duplicate, if not then use strcat() to copy its value into string1 array. Note that you will not use sprintf() at all.

hi guys..

sorry for asking again regarding segmentation fault..my query consists of 12 columns in the resultset and I already called to access from row[0] until row[11]...when I try to run the program...I still got the segmentation fault...

here is my latest code:

sprintf(query1, "select a.MobileNumber, b.BillName, b.ICNew, b.Passport,"
   "b.Addr, b.Addr2, b.Addr3, b.Addr4, b.Postcode, b.CountryCode, a.CreateDate, a.Source from Register as a, Profile as b"
   " where a.MasterNumber = b.Number and a.Status=0");

   //printf ("%s\n",query1);

   if (mysql_query(&conn, query1))
        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mysql_error(&conn));

   res = mysql_use_result(&conn);

   /* output fields 0, 1 and 2 of each row */
   while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) != NULL)
      if (i==11)
        bzero(string1, sizeof(string1));

       if ( strcmp(var1,"MAL" ) == 0 )
        strcpy (var1, "MALAYSIA");
          strcpy(var2, var1);

       row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[8], var2, newDate, row[11]);
         sprintf(mobileno,"%s", row[0]);
       printf ("%s\n",string1);

      //printf ("Test: %s\n",mobileno);
        writeLogFile(string1, mobileno);
void writeLogFile(char line2[1600], char* MobileNo)
    char * mobile = "0192426699";
    //char * mobile = MobileNo;
      mobile = MobileNo;

    FILE *fp;
    FILE *fp2;
    char len[255];
    char filename[255];
     int min;
    int hour;
    int day;
    int mon;
        int yr;
        time_t tvec = time(0);
        struct tm* dtime;

        dtime = localtime(&tvec);

    min = dtime->tm_min  ;
    hour = dtime->tm_hour  ;
    day = dtime->tm_mday  ;
        mon = dtime->tm_mon + 1 ;
        yr = dtime->tm_year  +1900;


       // Filename Format twop_yyyyMMddhhmm.dat 

            fp=fopen(filename, "a+");
                  if ( (fputs(line2, fp)) == EOF) 
                      printf("error write...");

                  if ( (fputs("\n", fp)) == EOF) 
                      printf("error write1...");

        //printf ("Test2: %s\n",mobile);
        UpdateStatus(mobile, line2);
            bzero(line2, strlen(line2));
            strcpy (line2, "1");


and the result something like this:

0135712114|MALIK BIN JANG|68100311355821||171, JLN KAMPUNG SERPAN LAUT,KAMPUNG SERPAN LAUT,|94600 ASAJAYA,|94600|MALAYSIA|05-12-2006|1|
Segmentation fault

it seems like, it fails to write into a file caused the segmentation fault...is it true? n how to solve this...many thanks...

Hi guys..

I already solved the above problem...i just only change this portion:



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