I'm learning C++ language now but i don't know which IDE should i use.Someone recommend DEC-C++ to me but it a little terrible debugging. I don't want use the bareGDB and how can i do.
cdwind 0 Newbie Poster
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cdwind 0 Newbie Poster
~s.o.s~ 2,560 Failure as a human Team Colleague Featured Poster
cdwind 0 Newbie Poster
~s.o.s~ 2,560 Failure as a human Team Colleague Featured Poster
cdwind 0 Newbie Poster
~s.o.s~ 2,560 Failure as a human Team Colleague Featured Poster
cdwind 0 Newbie Poster
~s.o.s~ 2,560 Failure as a human Team Colleague Featured Poster
cdwind 0 Newbie Poster
cdwind 0 Newbie Poster
~s.o.s~ 2,560 Failure as a human Team Colleague Featured Poster
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