Hi, there!
Anyone mind lighten me up on the above subject?
I am currently developing a simple game in java.
So I was in the process of deciding whether to use an applet or application to present it.

Oops! I forgot, and if your choice is so, why is that?
I would really like to know the limitations of either one of those.
What can one do when the other cannot? Err...kind of lost here. :roll:

Applets are web based and applications run outside the browser on there own.

An application is stand-alone program. It runs in a window in the operating system it's being run on. The nifty thing about Java is that it's cross-platform; the same code will run on multiple operating systems.

Applets are those Java thingies that are embedded into webpages. You know how sometimes you'll go to a webpage and a Java applet has to load to do some nifty thing on the WWW? Those are applets.

OK...I think I've got something through... :?
Well, thanks so much, you guys.
I think I'll stick to application...as I am not creating a webpage...
Is my assumption correct? 8)
Fuh...Now's just the beginning of it... :shock:

well have fun with the game hope it turns out good. :D

Yup...Thanks! ;)
Oh yeah...one more thing here, can 2 layouts be combined in a frame?
Err...btw, is frame the correct word...hehe....pardon me, I'm real new in this.
For eg. can I use BorderLayout together with GridLayout for example in the same window application?

i will let someone with more Java Know-how take this one. sorry i cant help i have not used java since my java class in school sorry.

Sorry, I can't help with this either on account of I've never used either of those two programs. (Only JBuilder for me!)

;) Sure! No problemo!
Err...I guess I'll give it a try...rather than waiting for someone to lighten me up on this.
Ciao! Thanks!

What game are you creating? Why Java?

Oh yeah...one more thing here, can 2 layouts be combined in a frame?
Err...btw, is frame the correct word...hehe....pardon me, I'm real new in this.
For eg. can I use BorderLayout together with GridLayout for example in the same window application?

BorderLayout is the defaultLayout in a JFrame. The JFrame is devided into 5 sections: north, south, west, east, and center. Into each of these sections you can add another layout with i.e. JPanel.

Sun Microsystems has a good tutorial trail on how to work with java AWT and Swing components for GUI stuff.


It's just a simple guessing game where a player thinks of a number and another player guess it. The main program of it should not be a problem. The interface is giving me headache as I am used to using C++ (dos interface).

Hey, thanx! I've went through the tutorials (not everything though).
It proves useful for beginners like me. :)

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