Anyone here has experience making a PIC based pointing device that can interface with the PC using PS/2 mouse port? Can I have a look at an example of the codes and circuitry?

I'm working on creating a prototype of a new pointing device, just as a uni project, and hoping to make it easily usable through PS/2. If not I have to resort to either making a serial port mouse, or make a VB program that reads from a serial port and draws on a picbox on form, some kind of pointing simulation. I hope not to resort to that though. I really hope to make a working pointing device that acts like a mouse, but using entirely different pointing method, one when I can demo, I can just plug into the PS/2 port of the PC and use.

I'm just looking for codes on how to send data into the PS/2 port of the PC to move the cursor. The programming part for pointing method concept, those I have in mind already how to get by. It's just the interfacing with the PC to move the cursor, detect button presses etc2.

Preferably in any C or Assembly.

Just an example to get me started. most of the stuff I googled out give no clue.

Anyone here has experience making a PIC based pointing device that can interface with the PC using PS/2 mouse port? Can I have a look at an example of the codes and circuitry?

I'm working on creating a prototype of a new pointing device, just as a uni project, and hoping to make it easily usable through PS/2. If not I have to resort to either making a serial port mouse, or make a VB program that reads from a serial port and draws on a picbox on form, some kind of pointing simulation. I hope not to resort to that though. I really hope to make a working pointing device that acts like a mouse, but using entirely different pointing method, one when I can demo, I can just plug into the PS/2 port of the PC and use.

I'm just looking for codes on how to send data into the PS/2 port of the PC to move the cursor. The programming part for pointing method concept, those I have in mind already how to get by. It's just the interfacing with the PC to move the cursor, detect button presses etc2.

Preferably in any C or Assembly.

Just an example to get me started. most of the stuff I googled out give no clue.

If you feed something into the PS/2 port it will presumably be picked up by the existing device driver in the operating system. I don't know if it would be possible to replace that - I suppose it would depend upon the operating system. But, if it was possible, what the code looked like would depend upon what the hardware looked like.

Co-ordination between the pointing device and the cursor would probably be done by the operating system or application, rather than the device driver. In the latter case you would most likely have to open the device UNIX style (provided that the OS was, in that sense, UNIX style).

If you don't want the OS giving you grief by insisting that you use an existing driver, you might be better off plugging in to a USB port.

hmm it's good idea, did you try to get data from a normal ps/2 mouse to view the format of the data ?? maybe hyperterminal or a similar program can help you,then try to send data from PIC to PC ;)

Am also doing the same program, means i wanna interface my project(pointing device) to PS/2, its something like USART synchronous communication. See MikroB compiler from [removed link] website. In that u can read data from ps/2 keyboard. some alteration in that can write to pc ps/2 interface. Or if u want VB program that workwith pointing device is avail in hobby projects. Some one did accelerometer based air mouse. in that they written vb program that recieves data from serial port and moves the mouse pointer

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