Hi all,
It's been a long time since i was last logged in here. Comatose was probably glad to see the back of me and my non stop questioning ;-)
Well today i have a small question which i hope someone can help with...
Here is my question... im trying to copy a profile for the currently logged in user to specified location.
The location of the profile will presumable be,
"c:\documents and settings\" + %username%
and the destination will be,
Here is what i thought ws right but isnt...
' /* Declare Variables */
Dim fso, src, dest
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
src = "c:\documents and settings\%USERNAME%\"
dest = "x:\ProfileBackup\%computername%\%username%\"
If fso.FolderExists (src) Then
fso.CopyFolder (src), (dest)
End If
If Not fso.FolderExists (dest) Then
fso.CreateFolder (dest)
End If
Ideally what i was trying to do (badly) was copy a users profile to a network drive to a folder named by the computername and userprofile so that there would be a different back up for each machine they logonto.
This may prove troublesome depending on network speeds and profile size etc.. so i was also hoping someone could help and add into the script the ability to copy a single folder "Favorites" from here instead and rem it out. or the ability to copy 2 or 3 folders at a time rather than the entire profile ;-)
I hope someone can help
Thanks in advance.
Phreak ;-)