I know wxpython is supposed to be better than tkinter, but I can't find any easy to understand tutorials on how to begin using wxpython. But anyway. How can I get tkinter to load up a jpg?

I know wxpython is supposed to be better than tkinter...

Not if your code needs to run on a Mac ...

But anyway. How can I get tkinter to load up a jpg?

The best bet is to get PIL, the Python Imaging Library. Link here.

Then you can construct some simple code like

import Image, ImageTk

im = Image.open(filename)   # loads a wide variety of file types as a
                                           # PIL image.  The PIL image has a 
                                           # rich set of methods

tkim = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im) # Converts to Tkinter-friendly   
                                                 # image type

From there, you can pass the tkim object as a parameter to anything that will accept an image: a Label(), a Button(), a Canvas() ...

Hope it helps,

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