Someone Please help me, I've no idea y it doesn't work?? :confused:

import javax.swing.JOptionPane; //Program uses JOptionPane
public class Homework5 {

//Main method to begin Java application
public static void main (String args[]) {

int NumberWord1 = 0;
int NumberWord2 = 0;

//User Enter's the 1st word
String Word1 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Enter First Word",

//Calculate the length of 1st word
NumberWord1 = Word1.length();
//Check Character in Word1
while (NumberWord1 >= 37) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"LengthWord1 = "+""+Word1.length()
+"\n Character in your First Word exceeds 37 character \n Please Re-Enter your First Word",

//User Re-Enter's First Word
Word1 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Enter First Word",

//Calculate the length of 1st word
NumberWord1 = Word1.length();

//User Enter's Second Word
String Word2 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Enter Second Word",

//Calculate the length of 2nd word
NumberWord2 = Word2.length();

//Check Character in Word2
while (NumberWord2 >= 37) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"LengthWord2 = "+""+Word2.length()+"\n Character in your Second Word exceeds 37 character \n Please Re-Enter your Second Word",

//User Re-Enter's Second Word
Word2 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Enter Second Word",

//Assigning Dots
char Dots ='.';
int TotalDots = 40;
int Dots1;
int Dots2;

//Calculate Dots
Dots1 = TotalDots - 1 - Word1.length() - Word2.length();

//Dots Results
String Results = "";

do {
Results += (Dots);
Dots2 ++;

while (Dots2 <= Dots1);

//Display Error if total words exceeds 40
int Total = NumberWord1 + NumberWord2;
while (Total > 40 || Dots1 < 1 || TotalDots < 40) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Total Character is over the length \n Please Re-Enter both Words",

//User Enter's the 1st word
Word1 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Enter First Word",

//Calculate the length of 1st word
NumberWord1 = Word1.length();
//Check Character in Word1
while (NumberWord1 >= 37) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"LengthWord1 = "+""+Word1.length()
+"\n Character in your First Word exceeds 37 character \n Please Re-Enter your First Word",

//User Re-Enter's First Word
Word1 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Enter First Word",

//Calculate the length of 1st word
NumberWord1 = Word1.length();

//User Enter's Second Word
Word2 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Enter Second Word", "Homework5",JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);

//Calculate the length of 2nd word
NumberWord2 = Word2.length();

//Check Character in Word2
while (NumberWord2 >= 37) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"LengthWord2 = "+""+Word2.length()+"\n Character in your Second Word exceeds 37 character \n Please Re-Enter your Second Word",

//User Re-Enter's Second Word
Word2 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Enter Second Word",

//Re-Calculate Dots
Dots1 = TotalDots - 1 - Word1.length() - Word2.length();

Total = NumberWord1 + NumberWord2;

do {
Results += (Dots);
while(Dots2 <= Dots1);

//Displaying Results
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,NumberWord1 + Results + NumberWord2 + "\n"
+ "Length of Word1 = " + "" + Word1.length() + "\n"
+ "Length of Word2 = " + "" + Word2.length()+ "\n"
+ "Length of Dots = " + "" + Dots2,


what is purpose of this program???

anyway here you go, you need to initialize variables Dot1 and Dot2, as program will try to increase value of Dot2 just few line down and then compare to Dot1

int Dots1 = 0;	// missing initialization
	int Dots2 = 0;	// missing initialization
	//Calculate Dots
	Dots1 = TotalDots - 1 - Word1.length() - Word2.length();
	//Dots Results
	String Results = "";
		Results += (Dots);
		Dots2 ++;
	}while (Dots2 <= Dots1);

Thanks Peter,
Purpose of program: could be used as part of an index for book.

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