Hey, i am trying to do a sort in C++. I have a strucutre of different records such as Quote number, Surname, Total cost and Deliverycost. I am trying to sort in order of Quote Number. Im using a bubble sort to do this:
for(i = 1; (i <= LastRefNum) && flag; i++)
flag = 0;
for (j=0; j < LastRefNum; j++)
if (Quote[j+1].RefNumber < Quote[j].RefNumber)
//Swap the records here
Its the swapping thats the problem. It works for the quote number, and costs but the names won't swap. Im using this code to swap the int's places:
RefnumberTemp = Quote[j].RefNumber;
Quote[j].RefNumber = Quote[j+1].RefNumber;
Quote[j+1].RefNumber = RefnumberTemp;
And i am using this for the surname:
strcpy (SurnameTemp, Quote[j].Surname);
strcpy (Quote[j+1].Surname, Quote[j].Surname);
strcpy (SurnameTemp, Quote[j+1].Surname);
I dont think tis algorithym is working though. Any help greatful. Thanks.