okay so the problem is:
I need to develop a program that determines whether a department store customer has eceeded credit limit on charge account. for each customer, the following facts are available:
- accunt number
Balance at the beg. of the month
total of all items charged by this customer this month
-titak of all credits applied to this customer's account this month
-allowed credit limit
the program should input account number as an Integer, but use Double for the other variables. the program should calculate the new balance (= beggining balance + charges - credit), display the new balance and determine whether is exceeds the customer's credit limit. for customers whose credit limit is exceeded, the program should display the message, " credit limit exceeded. use a sentinal value of -1 for the acount number to terminate repetition.
Okay, here is what i have.. now it runs but i dont have a sentinal value and i dont think i did the problem correctly
Sub Main()
Dim accountNumber As Integer
Dim begBal As Double = 1000
Dim totCharges As Double
Dim newbal As Double
Dim credits As Double = 700
Console.Write("Hello. please enter account number:" & vbCrLf)
accountNumber = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write(" Beginig balance is: 1000" & vbCrLf)
Console.WriteLine(" Please enter credit amount:" & vbCrLf)
credits = Console.ReadLine()
If credits <= 700 Then ' is charges are smaller than the allowed credit amount then subtract
credits -= 700
Console.WriteLine(" Amount after charge is " & credits)
ElseIf credits > 700 Then ' else if charges exceed the allowed credit amount than do not operate, write "exceed'"
Console.WriteLine(" Credit limit exceeded")
End If
newbal = begBal + totCharges - credits
Console.Write(" new balance is " & newbal & vbCrLf)