where can i download C++

I didn't understand you. can you enter the specific website pls?

Your question doesn't make sense. C++ is a programming launguage. You can't download C++.

I was going to ask the same question. Let's try it this way...does a computer need specific software or drivers installed to view programs/screensavers written in C++...Thanks

>does a computer need specific software or drivers installed to view programs/screensavers written in C++
For developing purposes, or did you download a program written in C++ that refuses to run?

C++ programs do need some runtime libraries, but these are installed with the Windows core, so there's not much to worry about for the end-user...

If you wish to create C++ applications, all you really need is a program that translates C++ source code into machine binary (what a computer can actually read), known as a compiler. Take a look at the links already mentioned, they provide numerous free compilers that you can use to learn C++.

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

I was going to ask the same question. Let's try it this way...does a computer need specific software or drivers installed to view programs/screensavers written in C++...Thanks

Well not really, it depends. If you have source code, then you need to compile it with compiler. If it is already compiled, then it depends upon platform eg. if its exe then windows. If your program used somee third party library, in dll or use some other driver then you need them. But for simple and common program, nothing extra software, driver etc is needed

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

I was going to ask the same question. Let's try it this way...does a computer need specific software or drivers installed to view programs/screensavers written in C++...Thanks

Well not really, it depends. If you have source code, then you need to compile it with compiler. If it is already compiled, then it depends upon platform eg. if its exe then windows. If your program used somee third party library, in dll or use some other driver then you need them. But for simple and common program, nothing extra software, driver etc is needed

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