I just want to disable the copy option for a file...

Is it possible to make it like tht.....


No idea what you are asking. Please explain, in some detail, but without writing a novel, what it is you want to do.

A file doesn't have "a copy option", so there's nothing to disable.
And if there was it'd be at operating system level, so best left to assembler or C.


hey u mean if u right click ur file means u will get one copy option???? if it is so ... i dont think u can disable that option....

and that wouldn't help even if you could disable it, as there are many other ways to copy a file :)

Disabling the Right click copy option MAY be possible by editing the windows registry but that is high risk and would affect all files. Is that what you want?

Alternatively you might get away with making it read only and transferring ownership to administrator/root/whatever.

But there are probably ways round this.

For example if you are operating in Windows install Linux in such a way that the file is accessible to Linux then change permissions if necessary and copy away.

Or you may be able to read it with a Hex Editor and save the contents into a new file.

And there is software around to make bit by bit copies of files.

etc etc....

Bottom line. I don't think you can make a file uncopiable without fairly strong DRM software, and possibly a dongle involved ( and even then....). But it should be fairly easy to make it difficult for casual copying. Ask yourself how important is it the file not be copiable. That will tell you how much time, effort and money you need to put into protection. And how much risk you can tolerate


hey u mean if u right click ur file means u will get one copy option???? if it is so ... i dont think u can disable that option....

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