Can anybody help me on how to search a keyword in my text file. I read about eliza420 Thread but still don't get it.

If i have a text file named. "animals.txt" with a content of,
and in my c++ program a question will ask the user,
cout<<"Enter a animal: "<<endl;
will promt like this.
Enter a animal: Dog
When the user enters a Dog then the c++ program will search the keyword "Dog" from the text file "animals.txt".
If the keyword exist then it will promt as
Enter a animal: Dog
Animal Dog found in our text file.
if keyword not found in the list then it will promt as
Enter a animal: Dog
Animal Dog not found in our text file.

My problem is how to code this one. I know it's a quest simple problem. but i'm also a newbie about c++ coding.

Thank you,

Post your code.. we'll tell you what's wrong with it..

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