I've created a simple table quiz program in VB6 and I want to load a help file (help.hlp) from within my code. I want the program to load the file when I select it in the Main Menu. I've tried using the load ("") function with the file file path in the double quotes but I get a "Compile Error: Type Mismatch".

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong or what function I need to load the file?

Thanks in advance.:)

What type of file is it? A text file with instructions? A specially formatted help file?

I've created a simple table quiz program in VB6 and I want to load a help file (help.hlp) from within my code. I want the program to load the file when I select it in the Main Menu. I've tried using the load ("") function with the file file path in the double quotes but I get a "Compile Error: Type Mismatch".

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong or what function I need to load the file?

Thanks in advance.:)

The load function only works if you are calling a form like
load frmHelp

Add a new form to your project
call it frmHelp
add a web browser to frmHelp
change the name to webHelp

add this to

Private Sub Form_Load()
webHelp.Navigate App.Path & "\help.hlp"
End Sub

Now whenever you call frmHelp from your main menu it will load the help file.

Load frmHelp or frmHelp.Show

Have fun

What type of file is it? A text file with instructions? A specially formatted help file?

I used Digitope Visual WinHelp to create the help file which was then compiled into a .hlp file.

I've tried using the 'Load' & 'Shell' functions but neither seem to work for me.

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