i've gone through some threads from people asking for help that have posts from these users saying things such as

still the program doesn't do what i want it to do

This is why i would like to say to all users:

When we post solutions to your questions, most of the time we will expect you to complete the program with lines such as cout, or printf, or write, etc... we answer your questions right where your problem is, but it's up to you to complete our solutions with code that is simple logic...

i.e. if you want a loop that will add up a series of numbers, we will provide the loop, but we may miss the part where the sum is printed... this is because we ASSUME you will be smart enough to know that part is missing...


Aia commented: Amen, brother -Aia +1

yes, I agree with you. Id like to say "thanks" to anyone who gave me advice what to do, link to tutorial, peace of code, etc.
I agree, that you should NOT write the full codes, because on that way people wont learn anything.

exactly... we are just leading people into which way is correct... even, sometimes we will just write a line of code, because that's the oly thing we consider you'll have problems with...

come on peeps... we're not here to do your homework...

I don't mind striking the point home, but if this turns into a whine thread, I'll either have to unsticky it and start my own, or get out the mod stick.

Oh, yeah, only just noticed you were a mod. Is that recent? or am i just forrgetful ?

what was that about? don't you hate it when users come here asking questions without even having investigated on their own, try to figure out what's their problem, or even read any of the many books about there are?

i mean... i ran into you guys after like three weeks of investigation, which became useless, since i found anything helpful 4 my project...

besides... we're not whining... we're just telling people, warning people that we are not here to do their works... we're here to help them open their eyes...

>besides... we're not whining... we're just telling people, warning people
>that we are not here to do their works... we're here to help them open their eyes...
You'll notice that this thread is now a sticky. I put it there because your original message was valuable to new members and as a reference for the rest of us. Keep in mind that this thread can be used to represent the forum as a whole. If it turns into a bunch of people saying the same thing in increasingly condescending ways, it decreases the value.

True, but I think the msg is put in many places (like this and this).. Not that I mind it once more as a sticky thread.. :)..

It's one of the reasons why I came to Daniweb..

Also it works both ways, even ppl who are helping should keep in mind not to spoon feed, which usually is the case with new posters who are trying to help..

what was that about? don't you hate it when users come here asking questions without even having investigated on their own, try to figure out what's their problem, or even read any of the many books about there are?

i mean... i ran into you guys after like three weeks of investigation, which became useless, since i found anything helpful 4 my project...

besides... we're not whining... we're just telling people, warning people that we are not here to do their works... we're here to help them open their eyes...

u are definitely correct because some of us we are new to programming so help us inorder for us to help others

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