
I saw option of MFC project in VS2005 and I d like to know what MFC is, and what can we do with MFC.

I presume MFC is C++ based, but does it need any framework? And whats the difference betwen Winapi and MFC? What can you actually do with MFC?

I know google is the best friend, but Id also like to hear some advanced opinions and recommandations.

Thanks in advance

MFC is a (large) collection of classes for writing Windows applications in C++. It's a wrapper around the Win32 API.

so I can write a Winapi app, and add MFC stuff?

>so I can write a Winapi app, and add MFC stuff?
It's easier if you just recreate your program with MFC, rather than add MFC to an existing Win32 program.

But, I am learning Win32 programming for months now...I dont wanna start all over again...I think I will stay on Win32

thanks for help

Member Avatar for iamthwee

>what on earth is MFC

I :* MFC :) Most things (but not all) are a lot easier with it. If you have been working with pure win32 api for the past year or so you won't have to learn everything all over again, and you can still use win32 api functions within an MFC program. MFC is really a heavy-weight wrapper around win32 api. If you want to write an MDI program then MFC can't be beat because the Microsoft compiler will generate a workable program for you in just a few clicks. I (or anyone else for that matter) can write a program with MFC in 1/4th the time that someone else will write it with pure win32 api. Sort of like the difference between writing a program with assembly or C language. Assembly is rarly ever manually used any more because it is a great deal faster easier to write it in C, C++ or other higher-level languages.

commented: Im glad to read this post +1

Hey dragon,

Thanks for your post. Well I'll check a bit around and decide about MFC.

But for now, Ill stay on Win32 because od wow project.

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No, don't bother. win32 and the dotnet is all you need to worry about on windows.

thanks for opinions

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