What are some of the pluses and minuses of MFC? I think it is better to do a lot of things that are complicated without it. Any thoughts?

What are some of the pluses and minuses of MFC? I think it is better to do a lot of things that are complicated without it. Any thoughts?

Pluses and Minuses against what? You can get an idea in this reply. It would help if you state what you are trying to program.

All the programs I write are MFC programs. Why? Because they can be written in less than 1/4 the time as pure win32 api programs. And you are not limited to just MFC -- you can mix and match as needed with win32 functions. On the negative side, MFC makes the program larger and is somewhat slower. So if speed and size are really critical, then code in pure win32 api. I don't know much about VC++ 2005 compiler and using .NET Forms instead of MFC. And I've heard C# may be easier too.

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> MFC or no MFC that is the question

No MFC. It's all about c# at the minute.

Java is just as good! I'm trying to learn all the latest languages at the minute.

>>Java is just as good

Only for internet stuff. It will work for desktop programs, but is very very slooooooow.

MFC is slower, try WIN32 SDK it is dificult to write but faster...

MFC is slower, try WIN32 SDK it is dificult to write but faster...

MFC is slower than what? win32 SDK programs? yes that is right. Java -- NEVER.:) MFC will whip Java in a blink of an eye.

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>It will work for desktop programs, but is very very slooooooow

The difference in speed is negligible for most hobbyist programmers. So who really cares- unless you're writing an app for the military?

Java/c# = good.

I'd go with it all the time. Unless, I'm doing something for speed, which in that case I'd probably use assembly!

The difference in speed is negligible for most hobbyist programmers. So who really cares- unless you're writing an app for the military?

If you are a hobbyist my advice will be to use Visual Basic 6. It is old but you could write an app in one day that would otherwise take more than one week to write in Visual C++ or maybe Java( I dont know the development time for Java actually). It is really good for RAD. Out of the Java applications Azureus is the only one I know that perform well compared with the C++ programs for the desktop.
But if you are thinking of learning to develop a career in programming for the desktop, the best will be to go with C# (considering the future and present job market), C/C++/managed C++.

I really think that unless the OP says what the purpose of his program is, the replies will be a tug of war between personal preferences.

I personally believe the level of control and customization offered by WIN32 CSDK programs are best over any C# of MFC. Although they are long but they are fun writing...

I personally believe the level of control and customization offered by WIN32 CSDK programs are best over any C# of MFC. Although they are long but they are fun writing...

your employer does not pay you to play -- he pays you to get a job done in least amount of time. That means using tools that will allow you to create a program in the fastest time possible -- C# and MFC will do that, as well as several other win32 api wrapper libraries such as wxWindows and QT. The only reason today for writing a new program using pure win32 api functions is for speed-critical programs and, of course, for educational purposes.

your employer does not pay you to play -- he pays you to get a job done in least amount of time. That means using tools that will allow you to create a program in the fastest time possible -- C# and MFC will do that, as well as several other win32 api wrapper libraries such as wxWindows and QT. The only reason today for writing a new program using pure win32 api functions is for speed-critical programs and, of course, for educational purposes.

To tell you truth my employer wants me to write all programs using WIN32 API functions..!! :mrgreen: :cheesy:
what to use is entirely requirement driven. C# and MFC works on higher level and provide u less flexibility, WIN32 keeps u close to the system n help u developing a clear idea of how windows work.

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>To tell you truth my employer wants me to write all programs using WIN32 API functions..!!

That's because your employer is mad. After all why did he hire you?

> C# and MFC works on higher level and provide u less flexibility, WIN32 keeps u close to the system n help u developing a clear idea of how windows work.

But I know how windows work. You open the latch and push it open.

That's because your employer is mad. After all why did he hire you?
But I know how windows work. You open the latch and push it open.

U are right at both !!
most of the employers are mad that is why they hire people like me n u..!! :)
and most of the windows work that way, but one may amaze u, it has a little different working ;) :lol:

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>most of the employers are mad that is why they hire people like me n u..!!

Wrong! You mean to say your employer is mad. That is why he has hired you, and demands you to write win32 applications, when just about every other employer is looking for c# developers with .net experience. The only other person who seems insane enough to use win32 is wolfie. Sorrie wolfie! Still memorizing those msdn commands? :-)

Btw I don't work, still at school :sad: this is just a hobby.

>and most of the windows work that way, but one may amaze u, it has a little different working...

Not much amazes me. But you do. Tee he he.

>> when just about every other employer is looking for c# developers with .net experience.
>> Btw I don't work, still at school :sad: this is just a hobby.

If you are still in school how do you know what employers want? Have you even held a real programming job? Or studied the current job market? :eek:

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>> when just about every other employer is looking for c# developers with .net experience.
>> Btw I don't work, still at school :sad: this is just a hobby.

If you are still in school how do you know what employers want? Have you even held a real programming job? Or studied the current job market? :eek:

No, this is just guess work, like most of the other questions I try to answer.

Anyway this thread shouldn't concern you. You should be worrying about more pressing things, like which nurse is gonna bathe you tonight at the retirement home. :cheesy:

>Btw I don't work, still at school :sad: this is just a hobby.
>Not much amazes me. But you do. Tee he he.

wat exactly is ur hobby? :)
u are right, it is easy to amaze me, see even u can..!! :lol:

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