HI guys,
I am taking C++ and I'm suppose to write this program where it asks the user to input a grade that they recieved in their exam . The grade is an interger from 0 to 100. Basicly the program should convert the numeric grade to a letter grade.
I have written the program and I only get two errors and can't figure it out and its driving me crazy. can someone please help me? Thanks!
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int get_letter grade(int);
int main()
int numeric_grade,
cout << " Enter the exam grade: " ;
cin >> numeric_grade;
cout endl;
letter_grade = get_letter grade(numeric_grade);
cout <<endl;
cout <<" The letter grade is "<< letter_grade << endl;
cout << endl;
return 0;
int get_letter grade ( numeric_grade)
((10- (grade/10)) + 64)