I'm not a programmer but I desperatly need help with the following please... it was written by someone but never tested, and contains some small mistakes that I can't solve. The person is not available anymore, so here my plea for help.
I have a mailmessage looking like this: http://www.criens.nl/lambada/sailmailmessage.txt
A getmail perl script is looking at a Windows server mailbox:
and puts the seperate information into a mysql database.
Here is where the problem lies. The message "b" in brackets is not taken out of the entire mailmessage and the database field is empty.
After the getmail checks every hour the mailbox and places the data in the database, a php script places the data in a website page using a Google Earth API.
The php looks like this: http://www.criens.nl/lambada/longlatphp.txt
How the whole thing looks like you can see here in the website: http://www.criens.nl/lambada/ and click the Lambada Position on the left. The reason why you see the text message correct is because I edit the mailmessage by hand in the database. a thing I like to do automatically.
I sincerely hope somebody can have a look at the script and help me out here. I'm not really looking at learning Perl, but just need help this instance. Any assistance would be appreciated.
Regards, Crienoloog