can anyone help me where the cin.get(); should be put?
i cant view the final output... it was compiled successfully but i cant view the output when it runs....

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

typedef int Bool;
// converts 0 to 'S', 1 to 'M', etc
char whatDay (int);
// not very good check for leap years
Bool isLeapYear (int);
// takes the number of the month, a flag saying whether year is leap
int numOfDaysInMonth (int,Bool);
void printHeader (int);
// takes the number of the month, and the first day, prints, and updates
// the first day of the next month
void printMonth (int, int&);
// prints the specified amount of spaces
void skip (int);
// prints leading spaces in monthly calendar
void skipToDay (int);
// terminates program in case of unrecoverable errors
void disaster ();
int main () {
int year, firstDayInCurrentMonth;
Bool leap;
int currentMonth = 1; // start at Jan
int numDays;
cout << "What year do you want a calendar for? ";
cin >> year;
cout << "What day of the week does January 1 fall on?" << endl;
cout << "(Enter 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, etc.) ";
cin >> firstDayInCurrentMonth;
leap = isLeapYear(year);
skip(9); cout << year << endl;
while (currentMonth <= 12) {
numDays = numOfDaysInMonth(currentMonth,leap);
printMonth(numDays, firstDayInCurrentMonth);
cout << endl << endl << endl;
currentMonth = currentMonth + 1;
cout << endl;

void disaster () {
cout << "Disaster! Exiting ..." << endl;
exit (-1);

void skip (int i) {
while (i > 0) {
cout << " ";
i = i - 1;

char whatDay (int d) {
if (d == 0) return('S');
else if (d == 1) return('M');
else if (d == 2) return('T');
else if (d == 3) return('W');
else if (d == 4) return('T');
else if (d == 5) return('F');
else if (d == 6) return('S');
else disaster();
Bool isLeapYear (int y) {
return ((y % 4) == 0); // simplified
void printHeader (int m) {
if (m == 1) { skip(7); cout << "January" << endl; }
else if (m == 2) { skip(7); cout << "February" << endl; }
else if (m == 3) { skip(7); cout << "March" << endl; }
else if (m == 4) { skip(7); cout << "April" << endl; }
else if (m == 5) { skip(7); cout << "May" << endl; }
else if (m == 6) { skip(7); cout << "June" << endl; }
else if (m == 7) { skip(7); cout << "July" << endl; }
else if (m == 8) { skip(7); cout << "August" << endl; }
else if (m == 9) { skip(7); cout << "September" << endl; }
else if (m == 10) { skip(7); cout << "October" << endl; }
else if (m == 11) { skip(7); cout << "November" << endl; }
else if (m == 12) { skip(7); cout << "December" << endl; }
else disaster();
cout << " S M T W T F S" << endl;
cout << "____________________" << endl;

int numOfDaysInMonth (int m, Bool leap) {
if (m == 1) return(31);
else if (m == 2) if (leap) return(29); else return(28);
else if (m == 3) return(31);
else if (m == 4) return(30);
else if (m == 5) return(31);
else if (m == 6) return(30);
else if (m == 7) return(31);
else if (m == 8) return(31);
else if (m == 9) return(30);
else if (m == 10) return(31);
else if (m == 11) return(30);
else if (m == 12) return(31);
else disaster();


void skipToDay (int d) {
void printMonth (int numDays, int& weekDay) {
int day = 1;
while (day <= numDays) {
cout << setw(2) << day << " ";
if (weekDay == 6) {
cout << endl;
weekDay = 0;

else weekDay = weekDay + 1;
day = day + 1;



Member Avatar for iamthwee
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

typedef int Bool;
// converts 0 to 'S', 1 to 'M', etc
char whatDay ( int );
// not very good check for leap years
Bool isLeapYear ( int );
// takes the number of the month, a flag saying whether year is leap
int numOfDaysInMonth ( int, Bool );
void printHeader ( int );
// takes the number of the month, and the first day, prints, and updates
// the first day of the next month
void printMonth ( int, int& );
// prints the specified amount of spaces
void skip ( int );
// prints leading spaces in monthly calendar
void skipToDay ( int );
// terminates program in case of unrecoverable errors
void disaster ();
int main ()
   int year, firstDayInCurrentMonth;
   Bool leap;
   int currentMonth = 1; // start at Jan
   int numDays;
   cout << "What year do you want a calendar for? ";
   cin >> year;
   cout << "What day of the week does January 1 fall on?" << endl;
   cout << "(Enter 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, etc.) ";
   cin >> firstDayInCurrentMonth;
   leap = isLeapYear ( year );
   skip ( 9 );
   cout << year << endl;
   while ( currentMonth <= 12 )
      numDays = numOfDaysInMonth ( currentMonth, leap );
      printHeader ( currentMonth );
      printMonth ( numDays, firstDayInCurrentMonth );
      cout << endl << endl << endl;
      currentMonth = currentMonth + 1;
   cout << endl;
void disaster ()
   cout << "Disaster! Exiting ..." << endl;
   exit ( -1 );

void skip ( int i )
   while ( i > 0 )
      cout << " ";
      i = i - 1;

char whatDay ( int d )
   if ( d == 0 ) return ( 'S' );
   else if ( d == 1 ) return ( 'M' );
   else if ( d == 2 ) return ( 'T' );
   else if ( d == 3 ) return ( 'W' );
   else if ( d == 4 ) return ( 'T' );
   else if ( d == 5 ) return ( 'F' );
   else if ( d == 6 ) return ( 'S' );
   else disaster();
Bool isLeapYear ( int y )
   return ( ( y % 4 ) == 0 ); // simplified
void printHeader ( int m )
   if ( m == 1 )
      skip ( 7 );
      cout << "January" << endl;
   else if ( m == 2 )
      skip ( 7 );
      cout << "February" << endl;
   else if ( m == 3 )
      skip ( 7 );
      cout << "March" << endl;
   else if ( m == 4 )
      skip ( 7 );
      cout << "April" << endl;
   else if ( m == 5 )
      skip ( 7 );
      cout << "May" << endl;
   else if ( m == 6 )
      skip ( 7 );
      cout << "June" << endl;
   else if ( m == 7 )
      skip ( 7 );
      cout << "July" << endl;
   else if ( m == 8 )
      skip ( 7 );
      cout << "August" << endl;
   else if ( m == 9 )
      skip ( 7 );
      cout << "September" << endl;
   else if ( m == 10 )
      skip ( 7 );
      cout << "October" << endl;
   else if ( m == 11 )
      skip ( 7 );
      cout << "November" << endl;
   else if ( m == 12 )
      skip ( 7 );
      cout << "December" << endl;
   else disaster();
   cout << " S M T W T F S" << endl;
   cout << "____________________" << endl;
int numOfDaysInMonth ( int m, Bool leap )
   if ( m == 1 ) return ( 31 );
   else if ( m == 2 ) if ( leap ) return ( 29 );
      else return ( 28 );
   else if ( m == 3 ) return ( 31 );
   else if ( m == 4 ) return ( 30 );
   else if ( m == 5 ) return ( 31 );
   else if ( m == 6 ) return ( 30 );
   else if ( m == 7 ) return ( 31 );
   else if ( m == 8 ) return ( 31 );
   else if ( m == 9 ) return ( 30 );
   else if ( m == 10 ) return ( 31 );
   else if ( m == 11 ) return ( 30 );
   else if ( m == 12 ) return ( 31 );
   else disaster();

void skipToDay ( int d )
   skip ( 3*d );
void printMonth ( int numDays, int& weekDay )
   int day = 1;
   skipToDay ( weekDay );
   while ( day <= numDays )
      cout << setw ( 2 ) << day << " ";
      if ( weekDay == 6 )
         cout << endl;
         weekDay = 0;

      else weekDay = weekDay + 1;
      day = day + 1;


Based on my limited knowledge of such matters, why don't you try putting the cin.get just before main returns?

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