does gcc compiler support graphics file ?how to write graphics program in gcc?pls guide me. in india how to get gcc compiler cd? send me some address. hurry up
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all members and guest

You can check this out. This answers your question on how to write graphics program.

If you mean of graphics as an interface.

hurry up

What's up with that?

a) learn some netiquette

I certainly agree with that.

Could he be using interpreter software that caused an unfortunate linguistic misunderstanding? I've seen that happen on other boards...

Could he be using interpreter software that caused an unfortunate linguistic misunderstanding? I've seen that happen on other boards...

If he did, could it be an excuse? *chuckles*

hurry up read the link. whats taking you so long

If he did, is it an excuse? *chuckles*

Shouldn't it be?
But, looking at his post further, I'd guess he's not using interpreter software...
Still, he may not have understood how impolite that may have been...Do we expect everyone who posts here to completely understand the nuances of the english language? Hell, I was born and raised speaking American English and even *I* don't understand it all...
Then again, posting on an english board such as this, I suppose there is a certain expectation that you understand english well enough that you won't go "insulting" people by your use of the language...
I think it's great getting to interface with fellow programmers from around the world...Even if I can't travel to the various nations represented here, I can at least chat with them online and maybe get to know their culture a little better...
(Ok, stepping off my soapbox now :$ )

he must have translated his own language to english word for word. maybe thats why his post is so impolite.

OK guys, point made. Let's not turn this into a bash raj1234 thread.

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