I have a binary tree and I am having problems with one function. It is my add function where I add another node to my tree. I use recursion to call it from within the function. I believe I am not using the correct syntax to call the node from within but I cannot understand why this is not working. I think I may be getting confused with how I am calling this.

Here is the function in question.

bool BinarySearchTree::addNode(METADATA **current_node, METADATA *new_node)
    if(*current_node == NULL)
        *current_node = new_node;
        return true;
        if(strcmp(new_node->key, (*current_node)->key) < 0)
            return addNode(&((current_node->left), new_node);
        else if(strcmp(new_node->key, (*current_node)->key) > 0)
            return addNode(&((*current_node->right), new_node);
            delete new_node;
            return false;

Both of the recursion calls are getting the following errors

error C2227: left of '->left' must point to class/struct/union/generic type
error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before ';'
Error 7 error C2660: 'BinarySearchTree::addNode' : function does not take 1 arguments

It seams like it does not like the left but this is defined in my structure

typedef struct METADATA
    struct METADATA(char *key, char *value)
        strcpy(this->key, key);
        strcpy(this->value, value);
        left = NULL;
        right = NULL;
    char key[SIZE_KEY];
    char value[SIZE_VALUE];
    struct METADATA* left;
    struct METADATA* right;

Any help in understanding why my recursion call is not working is appreciated.

Your bracing and indirection are off. To get the address of the links, you need to first dereference current_node. Then you need to do a member access using the arrow operator to get the link, then you need to take the address of that result:

&( *current_node )->left

Or with full parens:

&( ( *current_node )->left )

Thanks, i figured it was something with my bracing but could not get it to work.


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