I have been stuck on this one problem for sometime now and I have tried looking this up in all my references but was not able to come up with a solution to this error. Can someone help me with it please. My gratitude to you in a thousand years of good karma.
The line of code that shows the error is:
_pclassEngine = new EngineBlock(hinst, TEXT("SUCCESS"), TEXT("SUCCESS"), IDI_APPLICATION, IDI_APPLICATION);
The error says:
line 72 - invalid conversion from `CHAR*' to `WORD' initializing argument 4 of `EngineBlock::EngineBlock(HINSTANCE__*, CHAR*, CHAR*, WORD, WORD, int, int)'
Item 4 of the parameters WORD doesn't accept CHAR* IDI_APPLICATION.
I initialized the class in the constructor as so:
EngineBlock(HINSTANCE hinst, LPSTR szclass, LPSTR sztitle, WORD wicon, WORD wiconsm, int iwidth = 640, int iheight = 480);
I have tried changing IDI_APPLICATION into [WORD wicon] however it gives me:
line 73 - requires ',' or ';' before '('
Does someone know a better way to convert CHAR* to WORD? Many many thanks.
I beg your pardon my lord...but you drop your golden goose.