Hi, how can I use this assembler? I tried assembling a file through the terminal like this: "as Practice.asm". I got this message:

"practice.asm:0:End-of-File not at end of a line
practice.asm:6:End-of-File not at end of a line
practice.asm:unknown:Partial line at end of file ignored"

And an output file: "a.out", I ran a.out and I got this message:

"-bash: ./a.out: Permission denied"

BTW I have no idea at all how to write assembly so the file I assembled was something I found on the internet and looks like this:

	.ascii "Hello World!\0"
.globl _main
	call LC0

> practice.asm:6:End-of-File not at end of a line
Open the source file in your text editor
Go to the very end of the file and press the "enter" key.
Save the file and try again.

> And an output file: "a.out", I ran a.out and I got this message:
The assembler probably won't mark it as executable if there is a problem with it.

Nope, I tried again with this code:

#This is a comment

And got this message: "-bash: ./test: Permission denied" when running it.

Posting 1 line and "it doesn't work" isn't going to get you a great deal of help.

For example, the entire transcript of the command(s) you typed in (and the responses you got) when trying to assemble and run said program.

...That one line was what I tried to assemble, that one response is what I got when running the program.

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