Hedging my bets, I have coded a simpler version of the program Ezzaral is helping me with. I fear I am in over my head over there and may just begin to annoy him with silly questions.
Most of what he and I are working on is beyond the scope of my class anyways, so I did not mind trying to learn more as it made class simpler. I do not want to end up without a working program to turn in though, so I set out on this one this morning.
I am only having one issue at the moment, and it is with "super".
I am not sure why it is not working in this class.
I am getting cannot find symbol, and I do not understand why.
Can anyone offer assistance?

import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.lang.*;

class CdwArtist extends Compactdisk
 private String artist; 
 // Compactdisk constructor
  public CdwArtist(String Name, int item, int nstock, double price, String artist)
	super(Name, item, nstock, price);
	artist = artist;
 // get values
 public void setArtist(String artist)

 // return value
 public String getArtist()
 return (artist);
 // returns indivudual inventory value for a disk
 public double calcRestock()
 return price * nstock * 0.05;

} //End Class

which extends this class

import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.lang.*;

class Compactdisk //implements Comparable
{// begin class

	//InventoryCD class has 5 fields
	protected String Name; //  Name of cd
	protected double price; // price of cd
	protected int itemno; // item number of cd
	protected int nstock; // how many units in stock	
	protected double value; // value for single cd inventory

	//Compact disk class constructor
	public Compactdisk(String diskName, int cdItemno, int Stock, double cdValue, double cdPrice)
		// 4 fields need to be set up
		Name = diskName;
		price = cdPrice;
		itemno = cdItemno;
		nstock = Stock;
		value = cdValue;
		// set values
	   public void setName(String diskName)
		Name = diskName;
		public void setPrice(double cdprice)
	   price = cdprice;
		public void setItemno(int cditemno)
	   itemno = cditemno;
		 public void setNstock(int Stock)
	   nstock = Stock;
		public void setValue(double cdValue)
		value = cdValue;

	   // return values
		public String getName()
		return Name;
		public double getPrice()
		return price;
		public int getItemno()
		return itemno;
		public int getNstock()
		return nstock;

		// returns indivudual inventory value for a disk
	   public double calcValue()
	   return price * nstock;
}// end class

which compiles fine. If you need to see the primary class just let me know, but everything looks fine to me here.
Any help would be welcome.

Crap. Just when I say I am doing fine I get these messages when I compile my main class.

import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.lang.*;

public class Inventory3 extends JFrame
	private JLabel cdNameLabel; // name label 
	private JLabel artistLabel; // item number label 
	private JLabel nstockLabel; // units in stock label 
	private JLabel priceLabel; // price each label 
	private JLabel itemLabel; // item number label 
	private JLabel valueLabel; // value of that item label 
	private JLabel rstkLabel; // cost to restock label 
	private JLabel totalLabel; // total value of inventory label 
	private JTextField cdNameField; // name display 
	private JTextField artistField; // artist display 
	private JFormattedTextField nstockField; // units in stock display 
	private JFormattedTextField priceField; // price each display 
	private JTextField itemField; // item number display 
	private JFormattedTextField valueField; // value of that item display 
	private JFormattedTextField rstkField; // cost to restock display
	private JFormattedTextField totalField; // value of all inventory combine 
	private NumberFormat nstockFormat; // format field and parse numbers 
	private NumberFormat priceFormat; // format field and parse numbers 
	private NumberFormat valueFormat; // format field and parse numbers 
	private NumberFormat rstkFormat; // format field and parse numbers 
	private NumberFormat totalFormat;
	private JButton btnAdd; // first button 
	private JButton btnPrev; // previous button 
	private JButton btnNext; // next button 
	private JButton btnDel; // delete button 
	private JButton btnLast; // last button
	private JButton btnFirst; // first button
	private JButton btnModify; // modify button
	private JPanel buttonJPanel; // JPanle to hold buttons 
	private JPanel fieldJPanel; // JPanel to hold labels and displays 
	private JPanel fontJPanel; // JPanel to display logo 
	private int currCD; // current cd number
	private int i; // iterator
	private double total = 0; // variable for total inventory 
	private JScrollPane jScrollPanel;  

	public Inventory3() // create class and method to perform GUI build 

	private void initComponents() 
		// create label names 
		cdNameLabel = new JLabel("CD Name:"); 
		artistLabel = new JLabel("Artist:");
		nstockLabel = new JLabel("In Stock:"); 
		priceLabel = new JLabel("Each Item Cost:$"); 
		itemLabel = new JLabel("Item Number:"); 
		valueLabel = new JLabel("Value of Item Inventory:$"); 
		rstkLabel = new JLabel("Cost to Re-Stock Item:$"); 
		totalLabel = new JLabel("Total Value of Inventory:$"); 
		// initial fields
		cdNameField = new JTextField(25);
		artistField = new JTextField(15);
		nstockField = new JFormattedTextField(nstockFormat);
		priceField = new JFormattedTextField(priceFormat);
		itemField = new JTextField(5);
		valueField = new JFormattedTextField(valueFormat);
		rstkField = new JFormattedTextField(rstkFormat);
		totalField = new JFormattedTextField(totalFormat);
		totalField.setColumns (10);
		// buttons 
		btnAdd = new JButton("Add"); 
		btnNext = new JButton("Prev"); 
		btnPrev = new JButton("Next"); 
		btnLast = new JButton("Last"); 
		btnDel = new JButton("Delete");
		btnModify = new JButton("Modify");
		btnLast = new JButton ("Last");		
		// add buttons to panel
		JPanel buttons = new JPanel();  // new panel
		buttons.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,4));  // set layout
		// add buttons
		// create cd object
		CdwArtist[] newCD;
		newCD = new CdwArtist[5];
		// create array objects
		for (currCD = 0; currCD < 5; currCD++)
		newCD[0] = new CdwArtist("Disturbed", 1, 10, 15.00, "Sickness");
		newCD[1] = new CdwArtist("Seether", 2, 5, 10.00, "Disclaimer"); 
		newCD[2] = new CdwArtist("Tupac", 3, 2, 7.00, "All Eyes on Me"); 
		newCD[3] = new CdwArtist("WASP", 4, 3, 20.00, "Crimson Idol"); 
		newCD[4] = new CdwArtist("Mearle Haggard", 5, 6, 10.00, "Mama Tried"); 
		for (currCD = 0; currCD < 5; currCD++) 
			total += newCD[currCD].calcValue();  // total value of inventory
		// add values to textFields
		nstockField.setValue(new Float(currCD.getValue()));
		priceField.setValue(new Float("$"+currCD.getPrice()));
		valueField.setValue(new Float("$" + currCD.calcValue()));
		rstkField.setValue(new Float(currCD.calcRestock()));
		//totalField.setValue(new Float("$" + currCD.getValue()));
		// add labels to panel
		JPanel labels = new JPanel(); 
		labels.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 1)); 
		// add fields to panel
		JPanel fields = new JPanel(); 
		fields.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 1)); 

		// put fields and names together

		// add labels and fields to panel; labels left, fields right 
		JPanel display = new JPanel(); 
		display.add(labels, BorderLayout.CENTER); 
		display.add(fields, BorderLayout.LINE_END); 
		// create display
		JFrame invFrame = new JFrame(); 
		invFrame.setLayout( new BorderLayout()); 
		invFrame.setTitle("CD Inventory"); 
		invFrame.add(fontJPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); 
		invFrame.add(buttons, BorderLayout.SOUTH); 
		invFrame.add(display, BorderLayout.CENTER); 
		invFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // termination command 
		invFrame.setSize(800, 800); // set size of JPanel 
		invFrame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); // set screem location 
		// add listeners
		// first button
		btnFirst.addActionListener(new ActionListener()  
		public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
		// last button
		btnLast.addActionListener(new ActionListener() 
			public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) 
		// previous button
		btnPrev.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
		public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) 
		// next button
		btnNext.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
		public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
	}// close
	// button action methods
	// first		
	private void goFirst()
	currCD = 0;
	itemField.setValue(new Integer(currCD.getItemno())); 
	priceField.setValue("$"+new Float(currCD.getPrice())); 
	nstockField.setValue(new Integer(currCD.getNstock())); 
	valueField.setValue("$"+new Float(currCD.calcValue())); 
	rstkField.setValue("$"+new Double(currCD.calcRestock()));
	// last
	private void goLast()
	currCD = 4;
	itemField.setValue(new Integer(currCD.getItemno())); 
	priceField.setValue("$"+new Float(currCD.getPrice())); 
	nstockField.setValue(new Integer(currCD.getNstock())); 
	valueField.setValue("$"+new Float(currCD.calcValue())); 
	rstkField.setValue("$"+new Double(currCD.calcRestock()));
	// Previous
	private void goPrev()
	if (currCD > 0)
	itemField.setValue(new Integer(currCD.getItemno())); 
	priceField.setValue("$"+new Float(currCD.getPrice())); 
	nstockField.setValue(new Integer(currCD.getNstock())); 
	valueField.setValue("$"+new Float(currCD.calcValue())); 
	rstkField.setValue("$"+new Double(currCD.calcRestock()));
	// Next
	private void goNext()
	if (currCD < 4)
	itemField.setValue(new Integer(currCD.getItemno())); 
	priceField.setValue("$"+new Float(currCD.getPrice())); 
	nstockField.setValue(new Integer(currCD.getNstock())); 
	valueField.setValue("$"+new Float(currCD.calcValue())); 
	rstkField.setValue("$"+new Double(currCD.calcRestock()));

		// run it
		public static void main(String args[])
		Inventory3 inventory3 = new Inventory3();
		// end of main method	
} // end of class

Inventory3.java:128: int cannot be dereferenced
Inventory3.java:129: int cannot be dereferenced

I think some of my logic may be off. I have taken the day off work tomorrow to try and work through one or both of these programs to completion. The more coding experience I can get under my best with either application the better. Finals are coming up in a couple weeks.

Thanks again to anyone willing to help.

Here is the panel to that class just in case you want to see it.

import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.lang.*;

class FontJPanel extends JPanel 
// display welcome message 
public void paintComponent( Graphics g )
   super.paintComponent( g ); //call superclass's paintComponent
	 // set font to Monospaced (Courier), italic, 12pt and draw a string 
	 g.setFont( new Font( "Monospaced", Font.ITALIC, 12 ) ); 
	 g.drawString( "min", 90, 70 ); 
	 // set font to Serif (Times), bold, 24pt and draw a string 
	 g.setColor( Color.RED ); 
	 g.setFont( new Font( "Serif", Font.BOLD, 24 ) ); 
	 g.drawString( "OFFICE", 60, 60 ); 
	} // end method paintComponent 
} // end class FontJPanel

Count the number of params in your super() call and take a look at the base constructor.

Inventory3.java:128: int cannot be dereferenced
Inventory3.java:129: int cannot be dereferenced

I think some of my logic may be off. I have taken the day off work tomorrow to try and work through one or both of these programs to completion. The more coding experience I can get under my best with either application the better. Finals are coming up in a couple weeks.

Again, you are trying to use the integer index value like an object. You need to actually get that object (using currCD as the index) from your listModel as a CdwArtist object.

I knew that was the same error. I do not know why I cannot get that straight in my head.
I will work on that this evening.
Other than that, how does this look, as you are so familiar with the other version.

It looks like you are getting a lot closer to something that will work out. I don't see any way for a user to add a CD though and you have already filled your array to the hard-coded max of 5 items. I assume you have put that part in to test the workings of your first(), last(), etc. methods?

commented: Always has a suggestion +1

You are correct. With this one I am not going above and beyond anything that is being requested.
All I want with this is to be able to display the elements of the array one at a time, and perform those pesky calculations of course.
I will put an add and del button in sometime over the next few weeks if I stick with this one.

I am closing this out. I have put too much time into the other code to abandon it now.

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