plz tell me how to bind the record set to datagrid..
i have all the data in recordset now i want to modify the recordset and dind that to datagrid... also in one column i want to supress the duplicate values and put balnk spaces in that..hw can i do that.. plz let me know

thanks in advance


use this code:
con > Open Connection object

Dim ssql As String
Dim rs As New ADODB.RecordSet
ssql = "Select * From MyTable Order By MyField"
Set rs = Nothing
rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rs.Open ssql, con
Set DataGrid1.DataSource = rs

I dont know how to Suppress Duplicate field Value, Eager to know if anybody has the solution for that.


the same thing i did.. but i want to edit the record set and then bind to datagrid


Set all these properties of datagrid to True:
allowaddnew,allowdelete,allowupdate =true


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