im pretty new to vb6. i have two problems with my calculator. first, when i divide by zero
the calculator does not show the error message i have set it show, instead it shows 0.
my second problem is that after i click the equal sign, and click a number, the number is added on to the answer
instead of clearing the answer and putting in the number.
for example, if i do 9+9, 18 shows after i click the equal sign. if i click 1 instead of showing 1, it shows 181. help is much needed. here is my whole calcultor code.
Dim calcSaved As Double, calcResult As Double, calcOp As String
Private Sub cmdCalc_Click(Index As Integer)
Dim calcBut As String, calcDisplay As String
calcBut = cmdCalc(Index).Caption
calcDisplay = lblCalc.Caption
Select Case calcBut
Case "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", _
"5", "6", "7", "8", "9"
calcDisplay = calcDisplay & calcBut
lblCalc.Caption = calcDisplay
Case "."
If (InStr(calcDisplay, ".") > 0) Then
calcDisplay = calcDisplay & calcBut
calcDisplay = calcDisplay & "."
End If
lblCalc.Caption = calcDisplay
Case "+/-"
If (calcDisplay <> "") Then
If Left(calcDisplay, 1) = "-" Then
calcDisplay = Replace(calcDisplay, "-", "")
calcDisplay = "-" & calcDisplay
End If
End If
lblCalc.Caption = calcDisplay
Case "+", "-", "x", "/"
calcSaved = Val(calcDisplay)
lblCalc.Caption = ""
calcOp = calcBut
Case "="
calcResult = Val(calcDisplay)
Select Case calcOp
Case "+"
calcResult = calcResult + calcSaved
Case "-"
calcResult = calcSaved - calcResult
Case "x"
calcResult = calcSaved * calcResult
Case "/"
If calcResult = 0 Then
calcDisplay = "error"
calcResult = calcSaved / calcResult
End If
Case Else
calcResult = calcDisplay
End Select
lblCalc.Caption = calcResult
Case "BackSpace"
If Val(calcDisplay) <> 0 Then
calcDisplay = Left(calcDisplay, Len(calcDisplay) - 1)
calcSaved = Val(calcDisplay)
lblCalc.Caption = calcDisplay
End If
Case "Clear"
calcDisplay = ""
calcResult = 0
calcSaved = 0
lblCalc.Caption = calcDisplay
End Select
End Sub