
When I run an application written using VB6 and MS Access 2000 in Windows XP and Windows 2003 server,the system will prompt illegal operation (sslstbar.ocx, ssdw3a.ocx and ssdw3b.ocx) and the program will hang.

Hope anyone can guide me to resolve this problem soonest possible.

Your help are really appreciated.




are you executing the exe file or code in XP System

You should make sure that those OCX file are the latest versions (up to date). It's possible that your app is working with an earlier or later version than what is on the system.... and as maheshsayani was saying, are you running the EXE?

many of the third party controls wont be in the system which is not having vb. You have to register that .ocx files into the system so that they will not give error while running

here is the way to register the ocx files
regsvr32 sstab.ocx

procedure to register
click start -> run
on popup will come. then type regsvr32 and drag the name.ocx in that click ok

your problem will solve. If you use setup, that is a different procedure.
Have a nice day.

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