I have a program written in BCB that imports a wsdl. When I run the program I get this error:
[C++ Error] ExtActns.hpp(614): E2015 Ambiguity between '_di_IBinding' and 'Wsdlbind::_di_IBinding'.

I looked through the ExtActns.hpp file and found this line of code:

HRESULT __stdcall OnStartBinding(unsigned dwReserved, _di_IBinding pib);

I need help on how to resolve this, please?

My guess is that you are passing the wrong data types to the function probably for the first parameter. Make sure the first parameter is unsigned int and not something else.

>>When I run the program I get this
No you don't -- you will get that error at compile time, not runtime :)

Thanks Ancient Dragon! You are right. The program throws the error at compile time and not run-time.
I discovered that I did not declare the instantiation methods of the classes imported from the wsdl by BCB. So they only had their destructor methods declared in the class declaration in the header files. When I added the instantiation method declarations e.g

         __fastcall  NameRequestData();
        __fastcall ~NameRequestData();

the program didn't throw the compile error.
Many thanks!

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