Hi, i'm trying to implement a node class to be used with a linked list. When try to complile i get the following errors in the .cpp file:

Node.cpp:26: error: syntax error before `::' token
Node.cpp:31: error: syntax error before `*' token
Node.cpp:36: error: syntax error before `*' token

Everything appears to be ok, but obviously it isn't. Any help would be much appreciated.

My Node.h file:

namespace oneill_node1
	class node
		typedef int value_type;
		node(const value_type& initial_data = value_type(), node* initial_link = NULL);
		void set_data(const value_type& new_data);
		void set_link(node* new_link);
		value_type get_data() const; 
		const node* get_link() const; 
		node* get_link();                  
		value_type data;
		node* link;

My Node.cpp file:
#include "Node.h"

namespace oneill_node1
	node::node(const value_type& initial_data, node* initial_link)
		data = initial_data;
		link = initial_link;
	void node::set_data(const value_type& new_data)
		data = new_data;
	void node::set_link(node* new_link)
		link = new_link;
	value_type node::get_data() const      //line 26
		return data;
	const node* node::get_link() const      //line 31
		return link;
	node* node::get_link()                      //line 36
		return link;

Just take typedef int value_type; out of class. Things should work.

you don't need to take value_type out, just make sure the name is fully qualified when using it outside of the class, ie,

[b]node::[/b]value_type node::get_data() const

Thankyou very much, problem solved.

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