I have tried to rezize my output window by changing the values in the width and legth - nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
private final static int FRAME_GRID_ROWS = 3;
private final static int FRAME_GRID_COLS = 1;
private final static int FIELD_PANEL_ROWS = 10;
private final static int FIELD_PANEL_COLS = 5;
private final static int MAIN_PANEL_ROWS = 1;
private final static int MAIN_PANEL_COLS = 4;
private final static String EMPTY_ARRAY_MESSAGE = "Hit ADD to add a new Book";
private final static int FRAME_WIDTH = 350;
private final static int FRAME_LENGTH = 300;
private final static int FRAME_XLOC = 250;
private final static int FRAME_YLOC = 100;
I also tried making changes in this part of the code to no avail. No matter what I change the numbers to, my window opens up the same size. Is there some code somewhere that controls this that I am not seeing?
//Set some of the frame properties
setSize( 350, 570 );
setLocation( FRAME_XLOC , FRAME_YLOC );
setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
setVisible( true );
Here is the rest of the code for this file, there are 2 more files with this program, but I don't think they have any code that would affect the size of the output window.
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*; //For java.awt.
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Inventory6 extends JFrame
//Private Variables
//The private data
private Book [] book; //The inventory -- an array of Books
private int index; //An index for keep track of the Book to display
private JPanel logoPanel; //Panel for placing the logo label
private JPanel fieldPanel; //Panel for placing the JTextFields and their JLabels
private JPanel mainPanel; //Panel for placing the main JButtons
private JLabel logoLabel; //Label for displaying the logo
private JLabel nameLabel; //Label for the product name
private JLabel idLabel; //Label for the product id
private JLabel pagesLabel; //Label for the Book pages
private JLabel unitsLabel; //Label for the units in stock
private JLabel priceLabel; //Label for the price
private JLabel valueLabel; //Label for the stock value
private JLabel feeLabel; //Label for the restocking fee
private JLabel totalLabel; //Label for the total value of the inventory
//Text Fields
private JTextField nameText; //Field for displaying/editing the product name
private JTextField idText; //Field for displaying/editing the product id
private JTextField pagesText; //Field for displaying/editing the Book pages
private JTextField unitsText; //Field for displaying/editing the units in stock
private JTextField priceText; //Field for displaying/editing the Book price
private JTextField valueText; //Field for displaying/editing the Book stock value
private JTextField feeText; //Field for displaying/editing the Book restocking fee
private JTextField totalText; //Field for displaying/editing the total inventory value
//Navigation Buttons
private JButton firstButton; //Button for moving to the first element in the array
private JButton nextButton; //Button for moving to the next element in the array
private JButton previousButton; //Button for moving to the next element in the array
private JButton lastButton; //Button for moving to the first element in the array
private final static int FRAME_GRID_ROWS = 3;
private final static int FRAME_GRID_COLS = 1;
private final static int FIELD_PANEL_ROWS = 10;
private final static int FIELD_PANEL_COLS = 5;
private final static int MAIN_PANEL_ROWS = 1;
private final static int MAIN_PANEL_COLS = 4;
private final static String EMPTY_ARRAY_MESSAGE = "Hit ADD to add a new Book";
private final static int FRAME_WIDTH = 350;
private final static int FRAME_LENGTH = 300;
private final static int FRAME_XLOC = 250;
private final static int FRAME_YLOC = 100;
//Initialization constructor
// Starts the GUI with a Book array passed by the user, but ensures unique identification numbers
public Inventory6( Book bookIn[] )
//Pass the frame title to JFrame and set the IconImage as well
//"Kim's Book Inventory
super( "Kim's Book Inventory" );
//Set the input array equal to the private array variable
book = bookIn;
//Sort the array
Arrays.sort( book );
//Always start the display at the first element of the array
index = 0;
//Build the GUI
//Give it some values
//Set/Update/Other Methods
//A method for updating each of the GUI fields
private void updateAllTextFields()
if ( book.length > 0 ) //The update the TextField display
//Update the product name text field
nameText.setText( book[index].getName() );
//Update the product id text field
idText.setText( String.format( "%d", book[index].getIdentificationNumber() ) );
//Update the pages text field
pagesText.setText( String.format( "%d", book[index].getPages() ) );
//Update the units in stock text field
unitsText.setText( String.format( "%d", book[index].getUnitsInStock() ) );
//Update the price text field
priceText.setText( String.format( "$%.2f" , book[index].getUnitPriceInDollars() ));
//Update the stock value text field
valueText.setText( String.format( "$%.2f" , book[index].stockValueInDollars() ));
//Update the restocking fee text field
feeText.setText( String.format( "$%.2f" , book[index].restockingFee() ));
//Update the total value text field
totalText.setText( String.format( "$%.2f" , Product.totalInventoryValue( book ) ));
}//End if
else //Put a special message in the fields
//Update the product name text field
nameText.setText( EMPTY_ARRAY_MESSAGE );
//Update the product id text field
idText.setText( EMPTY_ARRAY_MESSAGE );
//Update the pages text field
pagesText.setText( EMPTY_ARRAY_MESSAGE );
//Update the units in stock text field
unitsText.setText( EMPTY_ARRAY_MESSAGE );
//Update the price text field
priceText.setText( EMPTY_ARRAY_MESSAGE );
//Update the stock value text field
valueText.setText( EMPTY_ARRAY_MESSAGE );
//Update the restocking fee text field
feeText.setText( EMPTY_ARRAY_MESSAGE );
//Update the total value text field
totalText.setText( EMPTY_ARRAY_MESSAGE );
}//End else
}//End updateAllTextFields
//Update the display for the calculated fields
private void updateCalculatedFields()
//Update the stock value text field
valueText.setText( String.format( "$%.2f" , book[index].stockValueInDollars() ));
//Update the restocking fee text field
feeText.setText( String.format( "$%.2f" , book[index].restockingFee() ));
//Update the total value text field
totalText.setText( String.format( "$%.2f" , Product.totalInventoryValue( book ) ));
}//End updateCalculatedFields
//Set the appropriate fields editable or uneditable
private void setModifiableTextFieldsEnabled( Boolean state )
//The Book name, ID, pages, units in stock, and price can all be set editable or uneditable
nameText.setEditable( true );
pagesText.setEditable( true );
unitsText.setEditable( true);
priceText.setEditable( true );
}//End setModifiableTextFieldsEnabled
//Button and Text Handlers and Methods
//Button Handler Class and Handling Methods
//The handler for handling the events for the buttons
private class ButtonHandler implements ActionListener
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
if( event.getSource() == firstButton ) //|<<| pressed
}//End if
else if( event.getSource() == previousButton ) //|< | pressed
}//End else if
else if( event.getSource() == nextButton ) //| >| pressed
}//End else if
else if( event.getSource() == lastButton ) //|>>| pressed
}//End else if
}//End method actionPerformed
}//End class ButtonHandler
//Display the first element of the Book array
private void handleFirstButton()
//Set the index to the first element in the array
index = 0;
//Update and disable modification
setModifiableTextFieldsEnabled( false );
}//End method handleFirstButton
//Display the previous element of the Book array or wrap to the last
private void handlePreviousButton()
//Decrement the index
//If index is less than 0, wrap around to the last element of the array
if ( index < 0 )
index = book.length - 1;
}//End if
//Update and disable modification
setModifiableTextFieldsEnabled( false );
}//End method handlePreviousButton
//Display the next element of the Book array or wrap to the first
private void handleNextButton()
//Increment the index
//If index exceeds the last valid array, wrap around to the first element of the array
if ( index > book.length - 1)
index = 0;
}//End if
//Update and disable modification
setModifiableTextFieldsEnabled( false );
}//End method handleNextButton
//Display the last element of the Book array
private void handleLastButton()
//Set the index to the last book in the array
index = book.length - 1;
//Update and disable modification
setModifiableTextFieldsEnabled( false );
}//End method handleLastButton
//GUI Building Methods
//Build the GUI
private void buildGUI()
//Make a grid for the panels
setLayout( new GridLayout( FRAME_GRID_ROWS, FRAME_GRID_COLS ) );
//Add the logo
//Add the text fields, their labels, and the SEARCH line
//Add the navigation and other buttons
//Set some of the frame properties
setSize( 350, 570 );
setLocation( FRAME_XLOC , FRAME_YLOC );
setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
setVisible( true );
}//End buildGUI()
//Add the logo to the JFrame
private void buildLogo()
//Create the panel on which to place the logo
logoPanel = new JPanel();
logoPanel.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, 1 ) );
//Create the logo
logoLabel = new JLabel( new ImageIcon( "book10.gif" ) );
//Add the logo to the panel
logoPanel.add( logoLabel );
//Add the panel to the frame
add( logoPanel );
}//End method buildLogo
//Add the text fields, their labels, and the SEARCH line
private void buildFields()
//Create the panel on which to place the labels and text fields
fieldPanel = new JPanel();
fieldPanel.setLayout( new GridLayout( FIELD_PANEL_ROWS, FIELD_PANEL_COLS ) );
//Declare a handler for the buttons
ButtonHandler buttonHandler = new ButtonHandler();
//Create the name label
nameLabel = new JLabel( "Name: " );
nameLabel.setLabelFor( nameText );
fieldPanel.add( nameLabel );
//Create the name text field
nameText = new JTextField( "NONE" );
nameText.setEditable( true );
fieldPanel.add( nameText );
//Create the id label
idLabel = new JLabel( "ID: " );
idLabel.setLabelFor( idText );
fieldPanel.add( idLabel );
//Create the id text field
idText = new JTextField( "0" );
idText.setEditable( true );
fieldPanel.add( idText );
//Create the pages label
pagesLabel = new JLabel( "Pages: " );
pagesLabel.setLabelFor( pagesText );
fieldPanel.add( pagesLabel );
//Create the pages text field
pagesText = new JTextField( "" );
pagesText.setEditable( true );
fieldPanel.add( pagesText );
//Create the units in stock label
unitsLabel = new JLabel( "Units in Stock: " );
unitsLabel.setLabelFor( unitsText );
fieldPanel.add( unitsLabel );
//Create the units in stock text field
unitsText = new JTextField( "" );
unitsText.setEditable( true );
fieldPanel.add( unitsText );
//Create the unit price label
priceLabel = new JLabel( "Unit Price: " );
priceLabel.setLabelFor( priceText );
fieldPanel.add( priceLabel );
//Create the unit price text field
priceText = new JTextField( "" );
priceText.setEditable( true );
fieldPanel.add( priceText );
//Create the stock value label
valueLabel = new JLabel( "Unit Stock Value: " );
valueLabel.setLabelFor( valueText );
fieldPanel.add( valueLabel );
//Create the stock value text field
valueText = new JTextField( "" );
valueText.setEditable( true );
fieldPanel.add( valueText );
//Create the restocking fee label
feeLabel = new JLabel( "Restocking Fee: " );
feeLabel.setLabelFor( feeText );
fieldPanel.add( feeLabel );
//Create the restocking fee text field
feeText = new JTextField( "" );
feeText.setEditable( true );
fieldPanel.add( feeText );
//Add two labels that create a space between the other fields and the total inventory value field
fieldPanel.add( new JLabel( " " ) );
fieldPanel.add( new JLabel( " " ) );
//Create the total inventory value label
totalLabel = new JLabel( "Total Inventory Value: " );
totalLabel.setLabelFor( totalText );
fieldPanel.add( totalLabel );
//Create the total inventory value text field
totalText = new JTextField( "" );
totalText.setEditable( false );
fieldPanel.add( totalText );
//Add two labels that create a space between the total inventory value field and the search line
fieldPanel.add( new JLabel( " " ) );
fieldPanel.add( new JLabel( " " ) );
//Add the panel to the frame
add( fieldPanel );
}//End buildFields
//Add the main buttons to the frame
private void buildMainButtons()
//Create the JPanel for the main buttons
mainPanel = new JPanel();
mainPanel.setLayout( new GridLayout( MAIN_PANEL_ROWS, MAIN_PANEL_COLS ) );
//Create the FIRST (<<) button
firstButton = new JButton( "<<" );
firstButton.addActionListener( new ButtonHandler() );
mainPanel.add( firstButton );
//Create the PREVIOUS (<) button
previousButton = new JButton( "< " );
previousButton.addActionListener( new ButtonHandler() );
mainPanel.add( previousButton );
//Create the NEXT (>) button
nextButton = new JButton( ">" );
nextButton.addActionListener( new ButtonHandler() );
mainPanel.add( nextButton );
//Create the LAST (>>) button
lastButton = new JButton( ">>" );
lastButton.addActionListener( new ButtonHandler() );
mainPanel.add( lastButton );
//Add the main button panel to the frame
add( mainPanel );
}//End method buildMainButtons
//Main Method
//Provide a main method for genepages the GUI
public static void main( String args[] )
//Create some sample Books
Book myBook[] = new Book[4];
myBook[0] = new Book("Inkspell", "Funke, Cornellia", 635, 1, 600, 20.00);
myBook[1] = new Book("Thousand Orcs, The", "Salvatore, RA",345, 2, 700, 25.95);
myBook[2] = new Book("Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince", "Rowling, JK", 652, 3, 800, 29.99);
myBook[3] = new Book("Magyk", "Sage, Angie", 564, 4, 900, 18.89);
Inventory6 gui = new Inventory6( myBook );
} //End class Inventory6
Any help would be greatl appreiciated.
Thank you! :)