
My name is Scott and I'm a physician and software developer. I'm new to this web site so please be patient if I'm not doing things properly. I write a lot of applications where I frequently need to calculate a patient's age based on their date of birth. I tried to find good examples but in the past have failed so to make a long story short I have developed a complete application to calculate age and I'm enclosing a zipped copy for anyone to try. Please feel free to send comments to my email me drp@spmd.us. A copy can also be downloaded from my web site http://www.pace-med-apps.com/freeCode.aspx

Thank you
Scott E Pace MD

I will check it.

I went through your code and there is an easier way to calculate the no. of years. You can simple use a builtin DateDiff function which takes Date1 and Date2 as paramters along with some other settings.

I went through your code and there is an easier way to calculate the no. of years. You can simple use a builtin DateDiff function which takes Date1 and Date2 as paramters along with some other settings.

Actually if you check my code under the button "Less Accurate" you will see I did just that with the code:
Dim d1 As Date
Dim d2 As Date
d1 = Now
d2 = dtpDOB.Value
Dim iage As Integer
iage = DateDiff(DateInterval.Year, d2, d1)
txtAge.Text = CStr(iage)

This code is far less accurate.

Ok! I havnt tested the accuracy in details. But from my few tests both gave same results.

Nice work though! keep posting.

Nice work though! keep posting.

Thanks for the encouragement, Binoj!

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