whenever i run my code it says method or data member not found
my code is such
Private Sub cmdConnect_Click()
Dim lngComPort As Integer
Dim lngMachineNum As Integer
Dim lngBaudRate As Long
Dim bConn As Boolean
Me.MousePointer = vbHourglass
If cmdConnect.Caption = "Connect" Then
lblStatus.Caption = "Connecting Device..."
lngComPort = CLng(Val(cboCOMPort.Text))
lngMachineNum = CLng(Val(cboMachineNo.Text))
lngBaudRate = 115200 'default value of Baudrate
If cmbConnect.ListIndex = 0 Then
'this will connect the device through COM Port
bConn = CZKEM1.Connect_Com(lngComPort, lngMachineNum, CLng(lngBaudRate)) 'THIS IS WHERE THE ERROR is
ElseIf cmbConnect.ListIndex = 1 Then
'this will connect the device through Network
bConn = CZKEM1.Connect_Net(Trim(txtIP.Text), 4370)
End If
vMachineNumber = lngMachineNum
'if connection is set, then changing the caption of the connect button
If bConn Then
cmdConnect.Caption = StrConv("Dis" & cmdConnect.Caption, vbProperCase)
cmdDownloadLog.Enabled = True
lblStatus.Caption = "Connected to the device."
MsgBox "Can't connect to the specified device", vbCritical, "eBiome"
lblStatus.Caption = ""
End If
CZKEM1.EnableDevice vMachineNumber, False
lblStatus.Caption = "Disconnecting Device..."
cmdConnect.Caption = StrConv(Replace(cmdConnect.Caption, "Dis", ""), vbProperCase)
'CZKEM1.EnableDevice cboMachineNo.Text, True
lblStatus.Caption = ""
End If
Me.MousePointer = vbDefault
End Sub
what is the czkem 1 class ? is it a user created one or a default vb class