whenever i run my code it says method or data member not found

my code is such

Private Sub cmdConnect_Click()
Dim lngComPort As Integer
Dim lngMachineNum As Integer
Dim lngBaudRate As Long
Dim bConn As Boolean
Me.MousePointer = vbHourglass

If cmdConnect.Caption = "Connect" Then
lblStatus.Caption = "Connecting Device..."
lngComPort = CLng(Val(cboCOMPort.Text))
lngMachineNum = CLng(Val(cboMachineNo.Text))
lngBaudRate = 115200 'default value of Baudrate
If cmbConnect.ListIndex = 0 Then
'this will connect the device through COM Port
bConn = CZKEM1.Connect_Com(lngComPort, lngMachineNum, CLng(lngBaudRate)) 'THIS IS WHERE THE ERROR is
ElseIf cmbConnect.ListIndex = 1 Then
'this will connect the device through Network
bConn = CZKEM1.Connect_Net(Trim(txtIP.Text), 4370)
End If
vMachineNumber = lngMachineNum
'if connection is set, then changing the caption of the connect button
If bConn Then
cmdConnect.Caption = StrConv("Dis" & cmdConnect.Caption, vbProperCase)
cmdDownloadLog.Enabled = True
lblStatus.Caption = "Connected to the device."
MsgBox "Can't connect to the specified device", vbCritical, "eBiome"
lblStatus.Caption = ""
End If
CZKEM1.EnableDevice vMachineNumber, False
lblStatus.Caption = "Disconnecting Device..."
cmdConnect.Caption = StrConv(Replace(cmdConnect.Caption, "Dis", ""), vbProperCase)
'CZKEM1.EnableDevice cboMachineNo.Text, True
lblStatus.Caption = ""
End If
Me.MousePointer = vbDefault
End Sub

what is the czkem 1 class ? is it a user created one or a default vb class

as long i know it's not a standard vb6 class
u haven't included the reference to the class.

as long i know it's not a standard vb6 class
u haven't included the reference to the class.

Ok its better i f send youthe file so that you could study itand reply

there is a text file that says readme i have followed the instructions but there still seems tobe a problem

You said that is your code.

but it does not seem the same to me.

You said that is your code.

but it does not seem the same to me.

yes it is not my code it is the code sent by the hardware provider it is an sdk kit
sorry if i were mistaken

You need to register the dll file using

regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\zkemkeeper.dll

As suggested in the readme file .

why u needt orun the code to work with the hardware.

You need to register the dll file using

regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\zkemkeeper.dll

As suggested in the readme file .

why u needt orun the code to work with the hardware.

I have already tried that but still the file does not register itself'
is there a problem with VB or the file may be corrupt i dont know i actually tried registering the zkemkeeper file. If this file register only then i will be able to run the software to acces my scanner on the network using its ip address

Hi... i'm also finding solution with this dll. It won't register.... il find a solution for this and post it here. Could be a file dependency is missing. I tried it with my full package software and it works but when I copy the DLL and register it on another machine it won't.

I think a file or maybe a registry entry is the solution... this is usually a protection so that it can't be used without the supplier's program. Does anyone here knows how to crack?

Not only to register Zkemkeeper file.Before that
You should also copy set of file to system32 directory.
Please find attachment

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