I was wondering is there any algorithm, method, concept, idea for "Reverse Calculation"?
Basically I provide an output/Answer , and 1 or more inputs, then it will result the math formula/pattern.
For example 1:
I provide, Dynamic Output: 30;
I provide, Dynamic Input Value A: 2
I provide, Dynamic Input Value B: 3
I get, Result: 5 x 2 x 3 = 30

For example 2 :
I provide, Dynamic Output: 140;
I provide, Dynamic Input Value A: 4
I provide, Dynamic Input Value B: 7
I get, Result: 5 x 4 x 7 = 140

Based on Example 1 and Example 2, the formula I am looking for is:
5 x [Dynamic Input Value] x [Dynamic Input Value] x [Dynamic Output Value]
5 x A x B = C
5AB = C
Thus the formula I need is "C/AB".
Is there any A.I algorithmic solution for this?


Just from the top of my head, I have to suggest that for the general case there is no (known to humankind) answer. That is, if the problem is, there is a relationship of the form

answer = (function of) input variables

(sorry that I can't do proper math representations here)

and you want to be able to observe some collection of answers and variables and use those to derive an answer for 'function'.

i) You will have noted that in cryptography, one of the points of trapdoor functions is, in the general case, that you can't even take 'answer' and 'function' and work out what the input variables had been. This alone makes it seem unlikely that a general solution for your problem can be ever found.

ii) If you could constrain 'function' to be linear, there would be a possibility of a solution, but the number of data points would be arbitrarily large. That is, if the only constraint that you fave is that 'function' is linear, you would need infinity plus one points in order to achieve a solution.

iii) If you could constrain the function further, there would be a theoretical possibility, but you would have to clarify what functions were possible.

Could you kindly give me some samples?

You need to look into optimization.

I believe this is possible. Similar functionality I have seen in microsoft excel program. If you give a set of data, it can generates the relation.
If I had to solve this problem I would consider on few matters. What kind of relationships I can get (it is not possible to get all kind of relation) In that case you may need to make your program flexible to closer relations. If you are really good in graphs, you can get these things done easily.

commented: I like the graph idea +11
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If your relationships merely consist of "+-/x" then this is definitely possible. However, anything more complicated would make it difficult.

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