Everything compiles no warnings or errors, but after I run this I get a core dump if I uncomment "delete [] a;" at the end of the main() function. It seems to run correctly if I leave "delete [] a;" commented out? Any suggestions will be appreciated.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
typedef unsigned int size_t;
size_t size = 0; // Initialize the size of the array
int* a = new int[size]; // Create a dynamic array
float Median(int* a, size_t size); // Median function declaration
float Mean(int* a, size_t size); // Mean function declaration
void Swap(int& x, int& y); // Swap function declaration
void Sort(int* a, size_t size); // Sort function declaration
int main()
cout << "Enter integers (any character to quit): ";
int n = 0;
// Loop through user's integers
while((std::cin >> n) && (size < 100))
a[size] = n;
// Output the Input Values
cout << '\n';
cout << "Input values: ";
if(size != 0)
for(size_t d=0;d<size;d++)
cout << a[d] << " ";
// Output the Mean
cout << '\n';
cout << "Mean: " << Mean(a, size) << '\n';
// Output the Median
cout << "Median: " << Median(a, size) << '\n';
// Output the Sorted Input Values
cout << "Sorted input values: ";
if(size != 0)
for(size_t e=0;e<size;e++)
cout << a[e] << " ";
cout << '\n';
// delete the array (I get a core dump error when uncommented)
//delete [] a;
return 0;
} // End of main
// Calculate the Mean of the array, function body of Mean
float Mean(int* a, size_t size)
float mean;
if(size != 0)
float sum = 0;
for(size_t i=0;i<size;++i)
sum += a[i];
mean = sum/size;
mean = 0;
return mean;
} // End of function Mean
// Calculate the Median of the array, function body of Median
float Median(int* a, size_t size)
// Sort the array from smallest to largest
if(size != 0)
Sort(a, size);
float median;
if((size%2 == 0) && (size != 0))
// median if size is even
median = ((a[size/2] + a[size/2-1])/2.0F);
else if(size != 0)
// median if size is odd
median = a[(size-1)/2];
median = 0;
return median;
// Sort the array
void Sort(int* a, size_t size)
for(size_t i = 0;i<size-1;i++)
int k = i;
for(size_t j=i+1;j<size;j++)
if(a[j] < a[k])
k = j;
// Call function Swap
Swap(a[i], a[k]);
} // End function Sort
// Swap Values in array
void Swap(int& x, int& y)
int temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp;