how can calculate the memory address of lower triangular array such this one :

20 7 5

60 8 0

10 0 0

0 0 0

ineed just the formula 2calculate just the upper traingular and cancel the zero i tried 2use svd ( singal value decomposition) but i really dont understand i want someone 2help me in this one and then give me onther example 2be sure that i want 2learn and understand...

plz dont ignore me.........

Member Avatar for iamthwee

First write down the index positions of all the zeros.
Find a pattern, write down what that pattern is in plain english. Then code it.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

So you could start by saying here is my array:-

20 7  5
60 8  0
10 0  0
0  0  0

Index positions of zeros

[0,0] [0,1] [0,2]
[1,0] [1,1] [1,2]
[2,0] [2,1] [2,2]
[3,0] [3,1] [3,2]

then consider an even bigger array and do the same with their index positions. When you have found a generic pattern try to code it.

do u mean by an even bigger array the number inside it . or what ?

explaine it 2me plz

i know that in arry such this:

1 4 6
2 5 10
3 7 4

we use the formula :

baseAddress + elementSize * (N*C+ M)

so is it the same with the my question?

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Okay let's back up, what are you trying to do, is it something to do with eigenvalues or eigenvectors ,LU decomposition? Explain in detail.

i asked aprofessor how can i calculate the memory address of the upper traingular and cancel the zero he saied: by svd ( singal value decomposition) i have no idea about it itried 2read about but icouldnt understand i need u 2make me know what did he mean n how can iuse svd with and what will be the result of using svd imean what does it do with array

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Member Avatar for iamthwee

So basically you're trying to do Lower decomposition? Is that what you're saying?

yes ...

in ur opinion is it the best way?
or could i use onther way?

if there is ... just teach me if u dont mind

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Oops gotta go!

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