The way I understand it, is that rowdata and coldata can be used to keep some data for some specific row or column. What if I want each cell to have some data go with it, how can I do this? I need this to identify what each cell contains.


One more easier way, is to keep another FlexGrid Hidden, with same number of Rows and Cols as the main Flex Grid.
Save the Info in 2nd grid, corresponding to Same Textmatrix of the main ones.
Grid1.TextMatrix(2,3) = "Multiply : 5 * 9"
Grid2.TextMatrix(2,3) = "Value : 45"


commented: your answers always help +1

Is it better to use a hidden flexgrid than an array?


Yes, I always, find it better to use a Hidden Flex grid, compared to an Array,coz:
both support same sets of Properties/Methods.
Indexing would become easy.
need not take care of Re-Dim/Preserve, when adding Extra Rows, Just Define
Grd2.Rows = Grd1.Rows
Grd2.Cols = Grd1.Cols
With a little bit of overhead though, Another Grid is better and one more advantage is, at any time,while testing, you want to check the Values in second Grid, just make it Visible, and u get the clear picture..


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