I have the following program, but what do i need to change in order to get it to output to a file? any help would be greatly appreciated.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
string employeeFirst, employeeLast;
double gross;
double federal, state, ss, med, pension, health, net;
int main()
cout << "what is the Employees First Name:" << endl;
cin >> employeeFirst;
cout << "what is the Employees Last Name:" << endl;
cin >> employeeLast;
cout << "What is the Employees Gross Pay:" << endl;
cin >> gross;
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision (2);
cout << setfill ('.');
cout << left << setw(33) <<"Gross Amount" << right << setw(0) << gross << endl;
federal = (gross * .15);
cout << left << setw(34) << "Federal Tax" << right << setw(0) << federal << endl;
state = (gross * .035);
cout << left << setw(34) << "State Tax" << right << setw(0) << state << endl;
ss = (gross * .0575);
cout << left << setw(34) << "Social Security Tax" << setw(0) << ss << endl;
med = (gross * .0275);
cout << left << setw(34) << "Medicair/Medicaid Tax" << setw(0) << med << endl;
pension = (gross * .05);
cout <<left << setw(34) << "Pension Plan" << setw(0) << pension << endl;
health = 75.00;
cout << left << setw(36) << "Health Insurance" << setw(0) << health << endl;
net = (gross-(federal + state + ss + med + pension + health));
cout << left << setw(33) << "Net Pay" << setw(0) << net << endl;
return 0;