dabu 0 Newbie Poster 17 Years Ago Can else have more than one statement? Copy to Clipboardif (control) <statement> else if (control) <statement> else { <statement> <statement> } c++ 0 0 Share Dave Sinkula 2,398 long time no c Team Colleague 17 Years Ago Yes. (But it's really the if - fully brace everything and this becomes obvious.) 0 0 Share vmanes 1,165 Posting Virtuoso 17 Years Ago Yes. Generally speaking, any place you can have a single statement, you can use multiple statements enclosed in curly braces { } 0 0 Share Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Reply to this topic Be a part of the DaniWeb community We're a friendly, industry-focused community of developers, IT pros, digital marketers, and technology enthusiasts meeting, networking, learning, and sharing knowledge. Sign Up — It's Free!
Dave Sinkula 2,398 long time no c Team Colleague 17 Years Ago Yes. (But it's really the if - fully brace everything and this becomes obvious.) 0 0 Share
vmanes 1,165 Posting Virtuoso 17 Years Ago Yes. Generally speaking, any place you can have a single statement, you can use multiple statements enclosed in curly braces { } 0 0 Share