This is my first time posting an I need some quick help. I need to get this program to work for two players. once Player 1 loses Player 2 gets their turn. the program works fine just can't figure out the while loop for 2 player.

/* header files */
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>									// contains function prototypes for functions srand and rand
#include <ctime>									// contains prototype for function time
using namespace std;

// enumeration constants represent game status
enum Status { CONTINUE, WON, LOST };
/* function prototype */
int rollDice( void );											
void playGame ( Status & gameStatus );
void displayWonOrLost ( Status, int &, int & );
int main()
int BankBalance = 1000;
int Wager = 100;
int count;
char Response;
const int player1= 1;
const int player2= 2;
Status gameStatus;	// can contain CONTINUE, WON or LOST

cout << " Player 1 wagers $ "<< Wager << endl;
cout << " Player 1 Is rolling the DICE " << endl;

while ( Wager <= BankBalance ) {
cout << "Continue with current wager (Y) or end game (E)?" << endl;
cin >> Response;

switch ( Response ) {

case 'Y':
case 'y':
playGame( gameStatus );
displayWonOrLost ( gameStatus, BankBalance, Wager );

case 'E':
case 'e':
cout << "Your final balance is " << BankBalance << endl;
cout << "Thank you, come again!" << endl;

return (0);

/* case 'N':
case 'n':
cout << "Please enter the new wager!" << endl;
cin >> Wager;

cout << "Incorrect Response. Please try again!" << endl;

} // end switch


if ( BankBalance == 0 )
cout << "Sorry, you're busted!" << endl;

return (0); // indicates successful termination

} // end main

void displayWonOrLost ( Status gameStatus, int & passedBalance, int &
passedWager )
// display won or lost message

if ( gameStatus == WON ) {
passedBalance += passedWager;
cout << "Player  wins, new balance is " << passedBalance << endl;
else {
passedBalance -= passedWager;
cout << "That's craps! Player 1 loses " << endl;
cout << "Player 1 has $" << passedBalance << endl;

} // End display won or lost message

void playGame (Status & gameStatus)
int sum;
int myPoint;

// randomize random number generator using current time
srand( time( 0 ) );

sum = rollDice(); // first roll of the dice

// determine game status and point based on sum of dice
switch ( sum ) {

// win on first roll
case 7:
case 11:
gameStatus = WON;

// lose on first roll
case 2:
case 3:
case 12:
gameStatus = LOST;

// remember point
gameStatus = CONTINUE;
myPoint = sum;
cout << "Point is " << myPoint << endl;
break; // optional

} // end switch

// while game not complete ...
while ( gameStatus == CONTINUE ) {
sum = rollDice(); // roll dice again

// determine game status
if ( sum == myPoint ) // win by making point
gameStatus = WON;
if ( sum == 7 ) // lose by rolling 7
gameStatus = LOST;
} // end while

} // end playGame

// roll dice, calculate sum and display results
int rollDice( void )
int die1;
int die2;
int workSum;

die1 = 1 + rand() % 6; // pick random die1 value
die2 = 1 + rand() % 6; // pick random die2 value
workSum = die1 + die2; // sum die1 and die2

// display results of this roll
cout << "Player rolled " << die1 << " + " << die2
<< " = " << workSum << endl;

return workSum; // return sum of dice

} // end function rollDice

Neither can we. You need to format your code, and use CODE tags.

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