I am seeking your help on following pthread_create issue on linux OS.
The senario is
I have a main program which generates new child threads on user request.The new child executes a module and closes. It is working perfectly if there are less then 245 new threads after that "pthread_create" method return status code 12.
It looks like a limit on number of threads but my question here is that I can see all my 245 threads completing there execution till end before 246th thread starts.
I am copying an extract of my code in this message
iret1 = pthread_create( &thread1, NULL, runModule, (void*) &t_data);
void *runModule(void* Thread_Data)
thread_data* t_data = (thread_data*) Thread_Data;
char * sessionid = t_data->SessionID;
Session *sn = t_data->sn;
Request *rq = t_data->rq;
iOnePortalSpecified = SendHTTPRequest(sessionid,url,ip,port,sn,rq);
if( iOnePortalSpecified == 1 )
printf("Refresh Session Success!");
int SendHTTPRequest(char *strSessionID,char *strURL,char *strIP,char *strPort,Session *sn, Request *rq)
// Declare and initialize variables.
int iResult = -1;//Return code for socket APIs
int iReturn = -1;
int i = 0;//Loop counter
int ConnectSocket = 0;//Socket reference number
int recvbuflen = DEFAULT_BUFLEN;//Recieve buffer length
char recvbuf[DEFAULT_BUFLEN] = "";//Recieve buffer
struct sockaddr_in clientService;//ClientService structure
char *sendbuf = MALLOC(500);//Send buffer
// Construct the HTTP Request
strcpy(sendbuf,"GET ");
strcat(sendbuf," HTTP/1.0\nCookie: JSESSIONID=");
//log_error(LOG_INFORM,"SendHTTPRequest",sn,rq,"HTTP Request : %s",sendbuf);
// Create a SOCKET for connecting to server
ConnectSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
//log_error(LOG_INFORM,"SendHTTPRequest",sn,rq,"Create socket = %i",ConnectSocket );
if (ConnectSocket == -1)
//log_error(LOG_WARN,"SendHTTPRequest",sn,rq,"socket failed");
return -1;
// The sockaddr_in structure specifies the address family,
// IP address, and port of the server to be connected to.
clientService.sin_family = AF_INET;
//log_error(LOG_INFORM,"SendHTTPRequest",sn,rq,"Connecting to %s port %s",strIP,strPort);
clientService.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(strIP);//Specify IP address
clientService.sin_port = htons((short)atoi(strPort));//Specify Port number
// Connect to server.
iResult = connect( ConnectSocket, (struct sockaddr*) &clientService, sizeof(clientService) );
//log_error(LOG_INFORM,"SendHTTPRequest",sn,rq,"Connect = %i",iResult);
if (iResult == -1)
//log_error(LOG_WARN,"SendHTTPRequest",sn,rq,"Connect failed");
return -1;
// Send an initial buffer
iResult = send( ConnectSocket, sendbuf, (int)strlen(sendbuf), 0 );
//log_error(LOG_INFORM,"SendHTTPRequest",sn,rq,"Send = %i",iResult);
if (iResult == -1)
//log_error(LOG_WARN,"SendHTTPRequest",sn,rq,"Send failed");
return -1;
//log_error(LOG_INFORM,"SendHTTPRequest",sn,rq,"Bytes Sent: %d", iResult);
// Recieve response message
iResult = recv(ConnectSocket, recvbuf, recvbuflen, 0);
if( iResult > 0 )//If message recieved
//Try to find the word "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" to indicate success
char* ResultOk = strstr(recvbuf,HTTP_RESULT_OK);
if( ResultOk != NULL )//If found then success
//log_error(LOG_INFORM,"SendHTTPRequest",sn,rq,"Refresh session success");
iReturn = 1;
else//If not, then there is error response
//log_error(LOG_INFORM,"SendHTTPRequest",sn,rq,"Result Not Ok : %s",recvbuf);
iReturn = -1;
else if( iResult == 0 )//Here means connection closed from peer
//log_error(LOG_WARN,"SendHTTPRequest",sn,rq,"Connection closed");
iReturn = -1;
//log_error(LOG_WARN,"SendHTTPRequest",sn,rq,"Recieve HTTP response failed");
iReturn = -1;
return iReturn;
Kindly let me know if I have any problems in my code or there is anything else that I can do to prevent this problem