can anyone tell me if one can create a form level variable in c# and how one does that. with form level variable i maen a variable which can be accessed by all the command buttons on the form. the buttons are on different panels. i dont know if that would make a difference. i doubt it. but just how do i create a variable which can be accesses by all the buttons on the form.

by buttons I assume you mean event handlers? (ignore that--I don't know why I'm so mean)

Anyway, try declaring the variables outside of any methods, but instead, declare them right after the class declaration (before the constructor), Like so:

public partial class FooForm : Form
string foo_string; //Can be accessed anywhere in the form
int foo_int = 0; //Can also be accessed anywhere

public FooForm() //constructor that is automatically generated

void FooButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) //your button event handler
foo_string = "foobar";

void BarButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) //another button event handler
if (foo_int==0)
foo_string = "Not a bar anymore";

Is that what you meant?

yes scru. that is exactly what i need. thanks a million.

event handlers. i get it. i had to retrain from java but in java you know an event handler because you create so much of the code yourself. this feels more like visual basic.

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