hello I am using a program called MPLAB-SIM and I am trying to test my interrupts on a 16F class pic
my interrupts registers are setup like this
movlw b'11001000' ;sets up INTCON, with PEIE and PORTA interrupts allowed
movwf intcon ;uses w to set intcon interrupt control
movlw b'00011110' ;sets up PIE1, with comparator 1/2, oscillator fail, TMR2IE
movwf pie1 ;uses w to set PIE1 interrupt control
movlw b'00000000' ;sets up PIE1
movwf pir1 ;uses w to set PIE1 interrupt control
however i cant even get to my interrupt service routine. Dont I just need to clear the GIE bit of INTCON<7> to get there?
PS how to you set the CODE flag here so that it recognises assembly?