Hi all,
I just joined the post. Iam new to C programming. I have a question regarding a problem i found in some book. The problem is i have a input file with student ID, 5 program scores, midterm and final score. i have to check for wrong input of data(negative score),calculate average score for program,calculate student totalscore (30% of programming,30% midterm,35%final and 5%free for whoever takes final exam),give grade to student and then finally compute calss total score.
print in a format (sID,sc1,sc2,sc3,sc4,sc5,midterm,final,total, grade) to the output file.
My idea looks very simple to the problem. I think it may not that simple as i think. Please guide me.
-First we have to scan the details from input file
-if the score is > 0 and < 100 then
1)calculate average score for programs (total all score and divide by 5)
2) student total score i.e 30%*total program score+35%midterm+35%*final+5%
display "the score is not a valid one"
3)calculating grade
If Marks >=90 and <=100 then
Display grade = ‘A’
Else if marks >= 80 and <=89 then
Display grade = ‘B’
Else if marks >= 70 and <=79 then
Display grade = ‘C’
Else if marks >= 60 and <=69 then
Display grade = ‘D’
Else if marks >=0 and <=59 then
Do display grade = ‘F’
4) calculate total class score
Please let me know if iam right. If possible please tell me how to start writing C code for this or the pseudocode
Thanks for your help