Hello there. Is there anyway that you can convert the '\n' in windows which is 2bytes to the '\n' 1byte so that the linux could read it?

In addition, does the fread() function can use wchar_t* type as buffer?

Is there anyway that you can convert the '\n' in windows which is 2bytes to the '\n' 1byte so that the linux could read it?

Sure. There is a little Unix utility called dos2unix. It is found on most *nix systems.

To do it in code, just set your output file mode to "binary". Doing so turns off the '\n' to "\r\n" translations, so when you write your file you get exactly what you write --single newline and all.

In addition, does the fread() function can use wchar_t* type as buffer?

No, it uses char. Sorry.

However, there are usually functions to convert a binary string to a unicode string...
(I don't know what they are though.)

Hope this helps.

converting ascii text files is trivial; you have a variety of tools. eg. tr, perl, awk, vi etc.in fact anything that can replace a cr-lf sequence with just a cr. eg. awk '{ sub("\r$", ""); print }' winfile.txt > unixfile.txt you could also use a utility called tofrodos which is available on a number of systems (under different names like "todos", "fromdos", "dos2unix", "unix2dos" etc.)

if the files are in unicode, these simple techniques will not work. unicode has a variety of newlines: CR (000D), LF (000A), CRLF (000D,000A), NEL (0085), FF (000C), LS (2028), and PS (2029). for a perl hack see http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2006/08/17/understanding-newlines.html?page=3. it is easy in c++ to write a function that processes input character by character and does the necessary translations.

fread and fwrite are to i/o what memcpy is to memory. it reads or writes bytes into untyped memory (void*) without any formatting or interpretation. the stream should be opened in binary ("b") mode to prevent newline character translations by the underlying layers. for example,

int array[100] ;
// to write an array (binary) into afile 
fwrite( array, sizeof(int), 100, file ); 
// to read the array (binary) from a file 
fread( array, sizeof(int), 100, file );

struct some_struct mystruct  ;
// write
fwrite( &mystruct, sizeof(struct some_struct), 1, file ) ; 
// read
fread( &mystruct, sizeof(struct some_struct), 1, file ) ;

using these functions correctly is difficult; mainly because they do not distinguish between end of file and error. use of feof and ferror is required to determine what has occurred.

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