How to choose one element from each array., Which A(i)+B(i)+C(i)+D(i)+E(i)+F(i) must equal to 10.

i A B C D E F
1 3 2 3 3 2 4

2 6 9 4 24 5 7

3 11 28 5 81 10 12

4 18 65 6 192 17 19

5 27 126 7 375 26 28

6 38 217 8 648 37 39

Sorry, I don't understand your question. Do you mean How do you select the same element from a series of arrays and add them together?

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like this, but I want to choose one elemet from each array, which the sum of A(i)+B(i)+C(i)
+D(i)+E(i)+F(i)=10. Which mean the value of i.

int total = 0;
for(int i = 0;i<10;i++)
total = a + b + c + d + e;
printf("total is 10");

you want the value of i??
so just save it to another variable inside if loop!!!

Try something like:

int total = 0;
for (int i=0;i<10;i++) {
total = a[i]+b[i]+c[i]+d[i]+e[i];
// print result
printf("total = "+total+"\n");
// print i to see which iteration of the loop
printf("i = "+i+"\n");
/* there is no need to reset total as it will be recalculated on the next iteration of the loop */

This should at least give you a clearer understanding of what is going on with your code, if not answer your question?

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