First of all, here's my codes:

public class SLLNode
    protected Object element;
    protected SLLNode succ;
    protected SLLNode( Object elem, SLLNode successor )
        element = elem;
        succ = successor;
public class LinkedStack
    private SLLNode top;
    public LinkedStack( )
        top = null;
    public boolean empty( )
        return top == null;
    public Object getLast( ) throws Exception
        if ( top == null )
            throw new Exception( "Empty Stack" );
            return top.element;
    public void clear( )
        top = null;
    public void addLast( Object elem )
        top = new SLLNode( elem, top );
    public Object removeLast( ) throws Exception
        if ( top == null )
            throw new Exception( "Empty Stack in Remove Last" );
        Object topElem = top.element;
        top = top.succ;
        return topElem;    
import java.util.Scanner;

public class TextReverse
    public static void main ( String [] args )
        LinkedStack ls = new LinkedStack( );
        String line;
            Scanner textFile = new Scanner( new File( "sample.txt" ) );
            while( textFile.hasNextLine( ) )
                ls.addLast( textFile.nextLine( ) );
            while(! ls.empty( ) )
                System.out.println( ls.removeLast( ) );
        catch ( Exception e )
            System.out.println( e.getMessage( ) );

And here's whats in my scanner file:

The program compiles 100% but when it runs it will only print out the last element in the list, "adfsf", but nothing else, and for the life of me I cannot see what's going wrong folks, any help would be appreciated!!


Lol stupid mistake, I saw it when I posted it, stupid protected lol

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