
i have a doubt in vector strings what are these vector strings.
and if this is a vector how to find the dimention of these vector or what
is the dimention of this vector.

and how to do vector string things in c language.

C doesn't have anything like say std::vector<std::string> of C++.

So the question becomes how much of it are you going to simulate in C, say using some 'class-like' functions and dynamic memory allocation.

i think vector strings are generic functions that you have to study generic files which is in c language.the vector strings can see in some textb books.

Listen to Salem. C does not have a vector anything. Nor does it have generic anything. Those are both C++ constructs.

ok, but i think it can be done using memory allocation funtion like melloc and calloc.
but have a confusion what i called as vector dimention.

when we are saying vector dimention is it the memory offsets or memory segments. i have a confusion in such things.

So maybe in C,

struct vector_of_int {
  int   *data;
  size_t allocatedSize;
  size_t maxUsedSize;

Now create a bunch of access functions which take a vector_of_int as one of the parameters, and make it do things like
- allocate space
- extend space
- free space
- save an int
- return an int

So maybe in C,

struct vector_of_int {
  int   *data;
  size_t allocatedSize;
  size_t maxUsedSize;

Now create a bunch of access functions which take a vector_of_int as one of the parameters, and make it do things like
- allocate space
- extend space
- free space
- save an int
- return an int

here in this code what is size_t . is it something predefined datatype.

>>what is size_t . is it something predefined datatype.
Yes -- most compiler define it as either long or unsigned long. But compilers are free to define it however it wants, uncluding long long

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